To reduce the competition from farmers who self-produce seed, an inbred line seed producer can switch to nondurable hybrid seed. In a two-period model we investigate the impact of crop durability on self-production, pricing and switching decisions, and we examine the impact of license fees paid by self-producing farmers. First, in an inbred line se...
Ruehl, E.Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)univ., osnabrueck
Es wurde ein neues experimentelles Verfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Abbaus von partikelgebundenen gering volatilen Substanzen (Pflanzenschutzmittel, persistente organische Schadstoffe (POP)) durch OH-Radikale aufgebaut. Der experimentelle Ansatz nutzt beruehrungslos gespeicherte Mikro- und Nanopartikel, auf deren Oberflaeche die zu unters...
The publication is intended to illustrate with a brief chronology the history and the present situation of the Morsleben radwaste repository, including specific aspects such as the geology of the site and construction and engineering activities, the particulars of waste form emplacement and log-term storage conditions, topical issues relating to ra...