Bellet, ThierryCUNNEEN, MartinMULLINS, MartinMURPHY, FinbarrPUTZ, FabianSPICKERMANN, FlorianBRAENDLE, ClaudiaBAUMANN, Martina Felicitas
The provision of an adequate liability regime for ADAS technologies is an essential prereq- uisite for its roll out over the coming decade. Facing to the challenge of future highly auto- mated vehicles, this paper proposed a Human-Machine Transition (HMT) approach as a common conceptual framework for considering Human Machine Interaction (HMI), lia...
Hagos, Fitsumvan Rooijen, DanielHaileslassie, AmareYehualashet, H.Indries, H.
This study reviewed the status of natural resources and the driving forces for change, as well as past and ongoing approaches in natural resource management at the watershed scale in Ethiopia. First, we reviewed established environmental policy tools and the legal and policy framework, and determined whether innovative financing mechanisms are work...
The article contextualises an emerging new regime for information privacy in South Africa (i.e. the draft Protection of Personal Information Bill). Subsequently, it discusses the possibility of successful implementation of international data-protection standards in an environment where there is an urgent need to balance HIV/AIDS confidentiality rig...
The on-going criminalisation of sex work in South Africa, concurrent sexual partnerships, socio-economic vulnerability, migrant status and gender-based violence intensify sex workers' risk of contracting HIV. These factors combine to restrict the skills, ability and resources of sex workers to negotiate safer sex and to access HIV prevention, treat...
A partir de una visión positiva y constructiva del término crisis la autora nos introduce a su reflexión respecto al Derecho y a la función de los juristas como investigadores, operadores jurídicos e intermediadores entre la realidad social y la jurídica. La autora analiza, además, la importancia de buscar coherencia entre el Derecho estudiado, el ...
Landesumweltamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ess...Institut zur Foerderung der Wasserguete-...hochschule, technischeForschungsinstitut fuer Wasser- und Abfa...