The research project ''Models of Hematopoietic Changes on the Basis of Systematically Collected Case Histories of Radiation Accident Victims as well as Pathophysiologically Evaluated Patients after Chronic Radiation Exposure'' required the investigation of four major research problem areas. First of all, biomathematical models were improved or newl...
Kuehn, K. (eds.)Brennecke, P.Baier, J.Odoj, R.Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Berlin (G...juelich, forschungszentrumCommission of the European Communities, ...
Kuehn, K. (eds.)Brennecke, P.Baier, J.Odoj, R.Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Berlin (G...juelich, forschungszentrumCommission of the European Communities, ...
The 4"t"h International Seminar on Radioactive Waste Products was organised by the Forschungszentrum Juelich in co-operation with the Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz and the European Commission. On behalf of the Bundesamt, I would like to welcome all participants of this scientific-technical meeting. I very much appreciate the participation not only ...
Book with the following topics and singularily recorded: IKARUS -Instruments for climate gas reduction strategies; Macroeconomic information system; IKARUS - Energy scenarios until 2030; Chances and perspective for innovative power plant systems; Stronger utilization of renewable energy sources; Efficient utilization of energy in industry and trade...
Angesichts knapper werdender Erdoelvorraete ist es an der Zeit, ueber sinnvolle Alternativen fuer die Mobilitaet kommender Generationen zu sprechen. Dem Wasserstoff kommt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Wasserstoff als Treibstoff der Zukunft braucht nicht nur hoch entwickelte Technik, sondern eroeffnet auch aussichtsreiche Maerkte fuer die Indus...