Les oxydes de manganèse associés aux latérites de transition : rapport scientifique final; Les gisements de Nickel latér...
Mineralization processes in ultramafic laterites are partly controlled by fluid flow regimes in these porous and permeable systems. During weathering of ultramafic rocks, exothermic chemical reactions, such as hydration of olivine, may generate shallow subsurface (
The regionally correlated and dated regolith–paleolandform sequence of Sub-Saharan West Africa offers a unique opportunity to constrain continental-scale regolith dynamics as the key part of the sediment routing system. In this study, a regolith mapping protocol is developed and applied at the scale of Southwestern Burkina Faso. Mapping combines fi...
The regionally correlated and dated regolith–paleolandform sequence of Sub-Saharan West Africa offers a unique opportunity to constrain continental-scale regolith dynamics as the key part of the sediment routing system. In this study, a regolith mapping protocol is developed and applied at the scale of Southwestern Burkina Faso. Mapping combines fi...
Le mélange des latérites avec des matériaux granulaires comme du sable ou des matériaux concassés permet d'améliorer leurs propriétés pour les rendre compatibles avec une utilisation routière. L'article rend compte des essais effectués sur deux latérites du Sénégal, traitées par ajout de sable de dune et dont les caractéristiques sont comparées aux...