Zeller, Kinga
Published in
Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
Pattison behandelt in dem letzten Band seiner Philosophie des christlichen Lebens die titelgebende Frage nach einer Metaphysik der Liebe. Die Diskussion fokussiert sich auf eine Wiedergabe dreier zentraler Gedankengänge und Elemente: Zunächst auf die Rolle der Sprache mit ihren Formen als Ruf und Versprechen sowie anschließend auf das Verhältnis vo...
Brison, Sylvain
Parce que l’Église vit en solidarité avec le monde les transformations nécessaires vers le Royaume de Dieu, les crises qui l’affectent questionnent sa nature et révèlent les défis de l’ecclésiologie. L’article tente de dégager les perspectives de penser pour renouveler le discours sur l’Église. La première partie réfléchit la dimension temporelle d...
Janson, Jens
In view of the complexity characterizing the contemporary discipline of academic theology, there is a need for functional models. Against the background of significant developments in twentieth-century theology, this thesis attempts to develop an analytical model which can make sense of some of the complexity characterizing this field. More specifi...
Ireland, Jerry M.
Published in
Carl F. H. Henry has widely been acknowledged for his contributions to evangelical social concern. What has not been fully appreciated though is theological foundations that undergirded Henry’s priority model as it relates to the relationship between the church social and evangelistic mandates. For Henry, the key to both was the doctrine of revelat...
Guerra Carrasco, José
The Progressive Model is based on the pragmatic philosophical idea of the New School; This proposal seeks that the student becomes the center of the school system, around whom the entire educational process revolves. From this perspective, education is for life, where the essential elements for the good performance of the adult are learned, that is...
Wesley, Cindy
Published in
Journal of the Bible and its Reception
The article examines the depiction of the First World War in literature published by the Methodist Episcopal Church for Sunday Schools, mission societies, young people’s organizations and a general church readership. Methodist Episcopal Church authors highlighted the biblical themes of righteousness, Christ-like self-sacrifice, and the Kingdom of G...
Benson, Bruce Ellis
Published in
In this essay, I attempt to think along with Kevin Hart, though improvising on his text in my own way, by suggesting that ‘the way’ is one that calls anyone who wishes to follow, that it is, at heart, all about doing battle with oneself, and that this battle is best thought of as an endless hermeneutic, one inaugurated by Jesus yet also with classi...
Burley, Mikel
Published in
Was Jesus Christ a deluded prophet who expected an imminent collapse of the world followed by the dawning of a kingdom that has never eventuated? Some who reject Christianity think that he was, and as a consequence are highly suspicious about any other claims that are attributed to Jesus. However, other interpretations of the apparently eschatologi...
Eshleman, Andrew
Published in
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
When a Christian refers to the future full realization of the kingdom of God in an afterlife, it is typically assumed that she is expressing (or implying) beliefs about the existence and activity of God in conjunction with supernatural beliefs about an otherworldly realm and the possibility of one’s personal survival after bodily death. In other wo...
Ares Mateos, Alberto
La spiritualité ne vient pas seulement des livres ou des sermons. Elle vient de la rencontre, Jésus a rencontré des gens et leur racontait des histoires. John A. Ryan a enraciné sa passion pour la justice sociale et économique dans le monde, dedans de recherche pour trouver Dieu en toute chose.Une passion qui peut avoir fait de Ryan le premier aute...