Introduction: Understanding Social Media Journalism
status: published
status: published
Antonio Gramsci était à la fois philosophe, philologue, journaliste et politicien. Co-fondateur du Parti Communiste Italien en 1921, il passa par la suite neuf ans dans les geôles du régime mussolinien. En 1934, alors qu’il croupit à la clinique Cusumano de Formia, lui vient l’idée de rédiger le 24ème de ses Cahiers de prison — dont « Journalisme »...
Journalists, it is widely admitted, are engaged in new forms of boundary work on social media platforms, seeking to uphold their influence over news dissemination. This study focuses on music festivals as a case study to examine journalists' endeavors in maintaining their authority on social media. We analyze Twitter coverage of music festivals in ...
This book represents an in-depth analysis of journalism in Japan during the golden era of the daily press and the gradual introduction of digital technology starting from the mid-1980s to the late 2010s.By presenting firsthand testimony from journalists and field notes collected from fieldwork in the newsroom of one of the country's largest newspap...
Explorant l'impact de la précarité économique sur la qualité du journalisme au Mali, cette étude pionnière s'attache à déchiffrer les répercussions des conditions économiques sur les pratiques journalistiques et la diffusion de l'information dans un contexte africain spécifique. En adoptant une méthodologie mixte, mêlant analyses qualitatives à tra...
Introduction: The notion of objectivity is the cornerstone of the liberal model of journalism. Following that scheme, one of the aims of news stories is to foster citizens’ understanding of the world they live in, but this can only be achieved through journalists’ vision. In that sense, the aim of this article is to analyze the level of interpretat...
Syftet med undersökningen var att studera hur nyhetsvärderingsprocessen och olika mål i verksamheten balanserades på sex tidningsredaktioner som producerar nyheter för Tiktok. För att erhålla ett ovanligt perspektiv genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med ansvariga för tidningarnas strategier på sociala medier. Totalt genomfördes sex intervjue...
The surrender of Breda in June 1625, after a nine-month siege by Habsburg forces under the command of Ambrogio Spinola, was one of the most celebrated events in the Eighty Years’ War and had extensive media impact at a time coinciding with the advent of modern journalism. The articles of capitulation were circulated in a plethora of news publicatio...
Today, there are several media-related companies that work to process and publish news using only artificial intelligence and algorithms, completely without any type of human intervention. The industry as a whole has seen a trend of replacing human journalists' daily tasks with generative AI, this in terms serves a greater sustainable economic reso...