Wu, Hoi-Ting Van Orman, Brielle Julian, Ryan
Isomerized amino acid residues have been identified in many peptides extracted from tissues or excretions of humans and animals. These isomerized residues can play key roles by affecting biological activity or by exerting an influence on the process of aging. Isomerization occurs spontaneously and does not result in a mass shift. Thus, identifying ...
Ghasemi, Shima Shamsabadi, Monika Olesund, Axel Najera, Francisco Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen, Andreas Edhborg, Fredrik Aslam, Adil S Larsson, Wera Wang, Zhihang Amombo Noa, Francoise M
Publication status: Published / This study presents the synthesis and characterization of two fluorescent norbornadiene (NBD) photoswitches, each incorporating two conjugated pyrene units. Expanding on the limited repertoire of reported photoswitchable fluorescent NBDs, we explore their properties with a focus on applications in bioimaging of amylo...
Niwa, Kanji Ohashi, Masao Xie, Kaili Chiang, Chen-Yu Jamieson, Cooper Sato, Michio Watanabe, Kenji Liu, Fang Tang, Yi Houk, Kendall
We report biosynthetic pathways that can synthesize and transform conjugated octaenes and nonaenes to complex natural products. The biosynthesis of (-)-PF1018 involves an enzyme PfB that can control the regio-, stereo-, and periselectivity of multiple reactions starting from a conjugated octaene. Using PfB as a lead, we discovered a homologous enzy...
Shende, Vikram Harris, Natalia Sanders, Jacob Newmister, Sean Khatri, Yogan Movassaghi, Mohammad Houk, Kendall Sherman, David
In the biosynthesis of the tryptophan-linked dimeric diketopiperazines (DKPs), cytochromes P450 selectively couple DKP monomers to generate a variety of intricate and isomeric frameworks. To determine the molecular basis for selectivity of these biocatalysts we obtained a high-resolution crystal structure of selective Csp2 -N bond forming dimerase,...
Wu, Hoi-Ting Riggs, Dylan L Lyon, Yana A Julian, Ryan R
Isomeric molecules are important analytes in many biological and chemical arenas, yet their similarity poses challenges for many analytical methods, including mass spectrometry (MS). Tandem-MS provides significantly more information about isomers than intact mass analysis, but highly similar fragmentation patterns are common and include cases where...
Silzel, Jacob Ben-Nissan, Gili Tang, Jin Sharon, Michal Julian, Ryan
Long-lived proteins (LLPs), although less common than their short-lived counterparts, are increasingly recognized to play important roles in age-related diseases such as Alzheimers. In particular, spontaneous chemical modifications can accrue over time that serve as both indicators of and contributors to disrupted autophagy. For example, isomerizat...
Chukhutsina, VU Baxter, JM Fadini, A Morgan, RM Pope, MA Maghlaoui, K Orr, CM Wagner, A Van Thor, JJ
Orange Carotenoid protein (OCP) is the only known photoreceptor which uses carotenoid for its activation. It is found exclusively in cyanobacteria, where it functions to control light-harvesting of the photosynthetic machinery. However, the photochemical reactions and structural dynamics of this unique photosensing process are not yet resolved. We ...
Abrahamsson, Dimitri Siddharth, Adi Young, Thomas M Sirota, Marina Park, June-Soo Martin, Jonathan W Woodruff, Tracey J
While important advances have been made in high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and its applications in non-targeted analysis (NTA), the number of identified compounds in biological and environmental samples often does not exceed 5% of the detected chemical features. Our aim was to develop a computational pipeline that leverages data from HRMS ...
Palaparthi, Sairam Ramkinkar, Shastri Jayanthi, Kishore V K Rao, Nitin K Warrier, Girish Srimurugan, Balaji Jagannath, B R
Published in
Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC), with an intrapulmonary segment (IPV), a meandering abnormally located confluence and obligatory drainage of one lung into the other before entering the systemic circulation, is a rare anomaly and we term it as the meandering intrapulmonary TAPVC (MITAPVC). We report five patients with an unusual ...
Chen, Siyun Getter, Tamar Salom, David Wu, Di Quetschlich, Daniel Chorev, Dror S Palczewski, Krzysztof Robinson, Carol V
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are cell-surface receptors that respond to various stimuli to induce signalling pathways across cell membranes. Recent progress has yielded atomic structures of key intermediates1,2 and roles for lipids in signalling3,4. However, capturing signalling events of a wild-type receptor in real time, across a native me...