Amghar, Samir Ghlamallah, Ezzedine
This project monitors the emergence of the contemporary Islamic finance industry over (roughly) the last three decades, with some previous developments in earlier periods. It refers to countries that have become financial hubs, like Bahrain, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates. It also looks to the wide variety of their banking prod...
Rahmayati, Rahmayati Mujiatun, Siti Nasution, Yenni Samri Juliati Muhklis, Muhklis Ismal, Rifki
Purpose: This research as determine the perception of MSME entrepreneurs in the city of Medan in the post-covid-19 era. Design/methodology/approach: This type of research is field research by conducting interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) conducted on MSME entrepreneurs in Medan City who use QRIS and how their preferences and perceptions...
Moosa, Riyad
Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the service quality preferences of Muslim customers considering demographic factors, specifically gender preferences. Theoretical framework: This study is guided by the dimensions in the SERVQUAL model including an additional dimension related to ‘compliance’ from the Carter Model. Design/...
Moosa, Riyad Marx, Ben
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the selection criteria of customers in South Africa and to examine these criteria with respect to gender. Theoretical framework: This study is conducted taking into an account an Islamic worldview that is guided by Sharia (Islamic law). Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative approach to ...
Mujiatun, Siti Badawi, Afif
Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the achievement of Islamic financial inclusion targets through increasing the digitization of Islamic banking in Indonesia using the Islamic financial inclusion index. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework shows that financial inclusion is the biggest challenge in improving Islamic finance, ...
Yazid, Ziad Esa Zainol, Zairani Bakar, Juhaida Abu
Purpose: This study aims to address some of the contemporary issues and challenges concerning mobile banking via Islamic banks, specifically in e-commerce and m-commerce. Theoretical Framework: Mobile banking has made it possible for consumers to buy things online right from their pockets. With the availability of this sophisticated technology, o...
Eid, Qasim Mousa Abu Al Houl, Mohyi Aldin Abu Alqudah, Mohammad Toma Suleiman Almomani, Mohammed Abd-Alkarim
Purpose: The purpose of this research is studying the role of financial inclusion on financial stability in the Islamic banks, Highlighting the role of Islamic law in promoting financial and banking inclusion. Theoretical framework: Introduce financial inclusion and definition of financial inclusion, statement of financial stability, and the role...
Faliza, Nur
Purpose: This research aimed to observe the influence of organizational culture and organizational commitment on presentation in Aceh Sharia banking and the mediating impact of organizational commitment among organizational culture and performance using two methods, namely VAF and Bootstrapping. Theoretical framework: The concept model for thi...
Fitri, Rahmadana Muhammad Hafiz, Sagala Gaffar
Published in
Studies in Business and Economics
This study aims to analyze the determinants of systemic risk in Islamic and conventional banks. The population of this research is Islamic and conventional banks, which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Researchers used purposive sampling to ensure the suitability of the sample with the research objectives. Furthermore, we use secondary d...
Altameemi, Arshed Fouad Al Slehat, Zaher Abdel Fattah
Purpose: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Islamic financing on commercial banks’ credit facilities tested under the mediation of the two variables of Islamic bank size (Total asset and Investment deposit). Theoretical Framework: Even though studies of Islamic banking funding have been done within the Islamic economics an...