Agovic, Ilma
The purpose of this study is to examine the hypothesis that Moderaterna has developed its migration policy towards a more restrictive direction with the influence of the populist party Sverigedemokraterna, as a measure to prevent Sverigedemokraterna from winning the election. The international migration has in recent years grown significantly and h...
Parham, Babak
Abstract The objective of this artistic research has been to reflect on the conditions forfilmmakers in Sweden and identify expectations, contradictions and subjectpositions available for myself within this discursive field. As a point of departure,I use three letters of rejection that I have received during my two years as astudent at the Stockhol...
Sahin, Selma Mitku, Meron
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur studenter från invandrarfamiljer som är födda och uppväxta i Sverige uppfattar och beskriver sin etniska identitet, samt hur medias beskrivning av gruppen invandrare påverkar deras identitet. Har dessa personer ett behov av att välja mellan olika identiteter i Sverige? En kvalitativ metodologisk ansats valde...
Al-kateb, Tamara Sandgren Ben Zaied, Delila
The purpose of the thesis examines the relationship between migration and economic growth that has taken place in the EU Member States during the period 2009-2019. The study includes three different theories, Borja's model, Solow's model and Romers' model. It's based on these models in order to be able to answer the study's question and achieve the...
Sjöberg, Anton
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the discourse on immigration in mainstream media and alternative media and to compare the similarities and differences between two Swedish newspapers. These were Aftonbladet from established media and the right-winge alternative media Nya Tider. The thesis focuses on analyzing news texts from both newspape...
Granath, Desirée
Kragnert Bartholf, Jonas
The purpose of this paper is to describe in what ways integration is being described from The Swedish Left party. The methods to do so is by using a model for analyzing ideas expressed through legislation bills and by observing the parties’ official communication. The analyzing model differs between four main traditions of integration, the liberal ...
Määttä, Aila Gärdegård, Anna
I rapporten beskrivs och analyseras insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i det nya hemlandet. Det övergripande syftet med rapporten är att sprida kunskap om insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i det nya hemlandet. Detta kunskapsunderlag kan ligga ti...
Thorén, Niklas
The immigration to Sweden has increased and that gets economic consequences – both negative and positive. The ambition of this paper is to answer whether Swedish trade in goods is affected by the relative large immigration to Sweden. The panel data that is studied is Swedish trade in goods with 50 different countries between 2000-2017. Several pape...
Rålin, Åse
Bakgrund: Antalet personer inom äldreomsorgen kommer fördubblas inom en 30-årsperiod. Oroligheter i världen leder till ökad immigration vilket i sin tur leder till ökat antal äldre med utländsk härkomst, vilket utgör ökade krav på äldreomsorgen och sjuksköterskan. Kulturell kompetens och förståelse för kulturens inverkan på livsvärlden och välbefin...