Gustafsson, Hilda Engblom, Rikard
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
European immigration policy is increasingly selective and stratified, favoring immigrants considered productive in the eyes of society. Using the case of Swedish family reunification, this article investigates how ideas of deservingness underlie this selection process and how it intersects with temporal bordering, impacting hierarchies of transnati...
Brunsson, Karin
Published in
Journal of Organizational Sociology
Arguably, standardization is a key concept in contemporary global society. Not only has standardization facilitated worldwide trade of goods and services, but it has also made people amenable to similar work situations and to the production and consumption of similar products and similar information across countries. Harsh regional and national mig...
Wærp, Eline
This dissertation examines how migration has become securitized in what I term the field of EUropean external(ized) border control and how this securitization has become increasingly normalized. It does so by focusing on the role of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency’s (Frontex) risk analysis reports in constructing migration as a security ...
Alrobaei, Ahmed Deshli, Marina
This study analyzes the immigration policies of the Social Democrats, Moderates, Swedish Democrats, and the Left Party in Sweden in 2013, before the refugee crisis 2015, using Carl Dahlström's theoretical framework differentiating different types of immigration policy. It aims to uncover their policy positions on immigration, based on Carl Dahlströ...
Islami, Medina
The purpose of this study is to examine how the values at an independent school with a religious profile influence teaching, classroom climate, and work culture from the teachers' perspectives. Using a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews, data was collected from teachers at the school. The analysis was conducted using them...
Maire, Tania Gemma
Today, the world faces its worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. The number of forcibly displaced people globally has hit a historic high, with half of them being children. Most refugees seek shelter in neighboring host countries where they encounter barriers to accessing their fundamental right to education, resulting in the emergence o...
Stankovic, Katarina
This thesis explored the perceptions of immigrants from the Former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) residing in Malmö, Sweden, of their Yugoslavian, national, and ethnic identities, as well as factors contributing to maintenance of Yugoslavian identity. Despite the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and the subsequent rise of distinct nationa...
Frisk, Evelin
Detta examensarbete är en läromedelsanalys av läroböcker i ämnet samhällskunskap för årskurs 7-9. Syftet är att undersöka vilken diskurs som framträder vid framställningen av samer i dessa läroböcker samt att undersöka hur det kommer sig att denna diskurs framträder. De frågeställningar som besvarats är Vilken diskurs framträder i beskrivandet av s...
Ramos Negrete, Laura
This thesis aims to discover and analyse the locals' perceptions of transit migrants in Necoclí and howthese perceptions influence their attitudes and behaviours towards the migrants. This research has beeninspired by the limited attention in existing literature towards the Colombian local communities impactedby transit migration through the Darien...
Andersson, Martin Larsson, Johan P. Öner, Özge
I samhällsdebatten har frågor som rör integration och konsekvenser av segregation blivit alltmer framträdande. Ökad boendesegregation och negativ utveckling i områden med socioekonomiska utmaningar medför konsekvenser för både individer och samhället som helhet. I denna ESO-rapport analyseras hur egenskaper i grannskapet där personer med utländsk b...