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with International maritime Organization as keyword
Querel, Morgane
Climate change impact all States. However, they do not have all the same responsibility and the same capacity on the fight against climate change.These inequalities are also found in maritime transport sector transition in many aspects, which are the geographical, the technical and the economic aspects. Consequently, it is a necessity to take speci...
Querel, Morgane
International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the United Nations specialized agency competent to ensure cooperation to regulate shipping. It works on safety & security, and reducing pollution from shipping. In this regard, States adopt, under IMO, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and the 2023 IMO Revis...
Querel, Morgane
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is competente for regulating shipping. Additionally, under the Kyoto Protocol, IMO has been specifically mandated to combat greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by this sector. In this context, the IMO adopted and subsequently revised in 2023 the Strategy on the Reduction of GHG Emissions, along wit...
Querel, Morgane
Le transport maritime est un secteur complexe, ayant de nombreux enjeux techniques, économiques et sociaux. Il est aussi responsable d'une part des émissions de Gaz à effet de serre (GES) d'origine anthropique. L'Organisation maritime internationale (OMI) est chargée de coordonner la réglementation du secteur, notamment pour ce qui relève de sa déc...
Sèbe, Maxime
Collisions with ships are one of the main modern threats to whale survival. Several solutions exist to reduce the risk of collision, but the compliance of the shipping industry with them is often limited. This interdisciplinary thesis aims at understanding the economic, logistic, and ecological gaps that hinder the shipping industry’s compliance.Th...