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with International Penal Court as keyword
Kabore, Wendkoigda Eloi
Le 17 juillet 1998, la communauté internationale adopte le Statut de Rome prévoyant la création d’une Cour pénale internationale permanente pour juger les présumés responsables de crimes internationaux à une échelle universelle. L’objet de cette étude consiste, en effet, à examiner la capacité de la Cour pénale internationale à atteindre cet object...
Abello Gual, Jorge Arturo Sandoval Fernández, Jaime
The International Penal Court is a jurisdictional organism created to fight the impunity of the most serious crimes against human race, it can exert its complement jurisdiction on the crimes that are its competence, committed in development of Colombian armed conflict. That situation could endanger the legal viability of the peace process, if we do...
Abello Gual, Jorge Arturo
Political crime refers to a set of behaviors menacing the existence of the juridical order in force and the institutions representing the state, and whose authors are motivated by altruist purposes. The benevolent treatment given to these crimes, at the moment of sanctioning or punishing this type of behavior makes contrasts with the lack of clarit...