Einarsson, Fredrik Holm, Anna
Den här uppsatsen utforskar hur kulturella skillnader och lagstadgade krav kanpåverka tillgängligheten på webben för personer med kognitiva och visuellafunktionsnedsättningar i Sverige, USA och Sydafrika. Genom en analys av relevantlitteratur samt en matrisutvädering undersöktes hur de här faktorerna skiljer sigländerna emellan. Resultatet visade a...
Klintberg, Josefiné
Although, Oceans are a fundamental part of our survival, covering 70% of our planet and producing 50% of our oxygen, public awareness of marine ecosystems and their functions remain very low. In United Nations list Life below water as one of their 17 development goals in the world, highlighting the need for raising Ocean Literacy. Recently in the S...
Fabricius Hultemark, Linda Kahn, Elin
Att bidra till välgörenhet sträcker sig flera århundraden tillbaka i tiden. Världen står än i dag inför stora utmaningar som humanitära kriser, klimatförändringar och politiska konflikter, som kan behöva stöd i form av bidrag när statliga medel inte räcker till. Här spelar välgörenhetsorganisationerna en viktig roll. Många av välgörenhetsorganisa...
Rosengren, Charlie Roinila Holmqvist, Emmi
Under de senaste åren har lärosäten genomgått betydande förändringar, med en ökande trend mot distansutbildning, särskilt på grund av Covid-19-pandemins påverkan. I den digitala omställning som blivit, har artificiell intelligens (AI) och särskilt chattbotar börjat spela en allt större roll inom utbildning. Genom att det erbjuder omedelbar tillgång...
Kubesch, Daniela
Today, the internet connects 66.2% of the world’s population online. Accessibility to digital information is crucial for social inclusion and equal opportunities. In this respect, it is considered to be a fundamental human right. However, most websites contain accessibility errors, creating a significant barrier for users with impairments. Accessib...
Vejbrink Starbrink, Nike
The administration software is a crucial component of any successful company. It is often overlooked, but it plays an essential role in ensuring the smooth operation of the business. It is the backbone of the company's operations, and it must be able to meet the evolving needs of its users. Although many people may not notice the admin systems, the...
Ålund, Lisa
This study was conducted in collaboration with Eskilstuna Strängnäs Energi och Miljö, which is in the process of developing an application for its customers. The study examined how user experience is affected by the design of navigation structures when switching between an application and a web solution for ordering one-time services. A prototype ...
Brus, Christoffer
This paper has focused on addressing the challenges with employees' understanding of the production flow within a factory. Through a user-centered design process, essential data has been centralized and several tools have been implemented on one platform. The primary purpose of this paper is to improve the employee's situtional awareness within the...
Zinger, Daniel
The international study Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) revealed that reading proficiency has deteriorated among Swedish students between 2001 and 2021, and this has therefore become a priority area for the Swedish government (Regeringskansliet, 2023). There are various explanations for this change, but one aspect that has ...
Gustafsson, Ebba
Data visualisation can provide a user-friendly way to observe and understand data. It can make is easier to make well-informed decision and communicate findings in data. This study aims to research how to effectively structure and visualize a complex data sets in order to improve a battery discharge process. By implementing a dashboard and visualis...