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with Input Devices as keyword
Sandoval Olive, Mario
Virtual Reality (VR) applications have often proven practical and effective in offering users an increased sense of presence and engagement when exploring inside a virtual environment (VE) creation. However, numerous user experience problems still occur at every stage within the application design, particularly for industrial visualisations (VR app...
Sandoval Olive, Mario
With advances in medical imaging over the years, medical diagnosis, especially X-ray based examinations and ultrasonography, have become increasingly reliant on a range of 3D digital imaging data systems for navigation, reference, diagnosis and documentation. Medical imaging, used in the field of Scientific Visualisation (SV), is used to explore re...
Bohman, Niclas Stinson, Kimberly
Fourteen volunteers were asked to participate in an experiment, along with answering a survey, toevaluate the performance of three peripherals: the Xbox 360 Wired Controller, a keyboard, and theRock Band Fender Stratocaster Wired Guitar Controller. The participants played a prototype madein Unity, and their accuracy scores were analyzed in R using ...
Richards, Mark Andrew
Traditional methods of input on mobile devices are cumbersome and difficult to use. Devices have become smaller, while their operating systems have become more complex, to the extent that they are approaching the level of functionality found on desktop computer operating systems. The buttons and toggle-sticks currently employed by mobile devices ar...
Serafin, Stefania Dudas, Richard Wanderley, Marcelo M. Rodet, Xavier
In this paper we discuss the real-time simulation of a physical model of a bowed string instrument by means of alternative gestural controllers. We focus on the model's behaviour when submitted to different bow strokes performed on a graphical tablet using different types of transducers. The tablet was chosen because it allows a performer to reprod...