Zhang, Liangliang; Teirlinck, Peter; 73713; Su, Taoyong; Yu, Yuzhu;
Supply chain characteristics are an important driving force for innovation at the focal firm. Previous research has separately examined the impact of structural, relational, and capability dimensions of the supply chain on firm innovation. Relying on the structure-relationship-capability framework, this study explores the configurational impact of ...
Mallard, Yoann Lefebvre, Marianne Thareau, Bertille Lombard-Latune, Rémi Loubaud-Berson, Mélanie
La perspective multi-niveaux aide à comprendre pourquoi la REUT peine à se développer -Les incertitudes techniques, réglementaires et économiques freinent l'essor de la REUT -Informer sur la REUT et clarifier son modèle économique pour mobiliser les agriculteurs -L'essor de la REUT passe par la mise en oeuvre d'une gestion intégrée des risques Résu...
Li, Xin Liu, Tianjiao Hou, Qiannan Zeng, Xiaoyan Xiong, Ying Yang, Yang Li, Zhongzhi Li, Yalan Lin, Yonghong He, Li
Published in
Journal of minimally invasive gynecology
Vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (vNOTES) is considered to have the advantages of completely scarless, less postoperative pain, earlier flatus, and faster postoperative recovery. However, posterior myoma are relatively difficult to operate through vNOTES in the conventional lithotomy position. Thus, we innovated the applicati...
Lievens, Yolande; Janssens, Sharon; Lambrecht, Maarten; 73299; Engels, Hilde; Geets, Xavier; Jansen, Nicolas; Moretti, Luigi; Remouchamps, Vincent; Roosens, Sander; Stellamans, Karin;
BACKGROUND: Although stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) was progressively adopted in clinical practice in Belgium, a reimbursement request in 2011 was not granted because of remaining clinical and economic uncertainty. A coverage with evidence development (CED) program on SBRT started in 2013, with the aim to assess clinical and technical patter...
Kowalski, Jean-Marie
The French defence industry underwent major transformations from 1961 onwards, laying the foundations for today's defence industrial and technological base. A new organization, known as the DMA (Délégation Ministérielle pour l′Armement1), directed all research, design and production processes for new equipment. However, the transformation was incom...
Aggeri, Franck
Google has seen its CO2 emissions jump by 48% in 5 years with its development of AI. While innovation is constantly celebrated, and the illusion of “green” growth based on high-tech perpetuates economic dogma, how can we innovate differently? Two avenues can be explored: projective responsibility, such as integrating ecological and human capital in...
Larger, Simon Mocquet, Bertrand Rongeat, David
L’Amue présente le 33e numéro de sa Collection Numérique. Intitulé « Explorations d’usages numériques dans le Supérieur », ce nouveau volume offre une vue d’ensemble des transformations en cours, des défis à relever et des solutions innovantes mises en place par les établissements. De la personnalisation des parcours étudiants à l'intégration de l'...
Ménissier, Thierry
International audience
Bailly, Guillaume Salhi, Salima Legrand, Claire Patenotte, Thomas
In France, the emerging wave of citizen renewable energy projects is in line with the European vision and national policies aimed at a more sustainable energy transition. The rise of these initiatives in France, is inspired in part by the successes observed in Germany (Fontaine, 2019) and other European countries (Poize and Rüdinger, 2014). Scienti...
Cahuc, Pierre
This chapter provides a review of the existing literature on the effects of employment protection legislation (EPL) on job allocation across industries, firms, and workers, and its implications for innovation and economic growth. We analyze empirical studies to assess how EPL influences resource allocation, firm dynamics, and labor market segmentat...