Quang, Halle Wearne, Travis Filipcikova, Michaela Pham, Nhi Nguyen, Nhi McDonald, Skye
Published in
Neuropsychology review
Apathy, the deficit of goal-directed behaviour, is well recognised as one of the most debilitating syndromes after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, mechanisms underlying apathy, or at least factors associated with apathy, are sporadically reported. Based on a biopsychosocial framework, this systematic review and meta-analys...
Cherif, Mehdi
Commins, Sean Coutrot, Antoine Hornberger, Michael Spiers, Hugo J De Andrade Moral, Rafael
Published in
Behavior research methods
Everyone learns differently, but individual performance is often ignored in favour of a group-level analysis. Using data from four different experiments, we show that generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs) and extensions can be used to examine individual learning patterns. Producing ellipsoids and cluster analyses based on predicted random effects...
Prosnier, Loïc
There is a growing interest in the impact of acoustic pollution on aquatic ecosystems. Currently, research has primarily focused on hearing species, particularly fishes and mammals. However, species from lower trophic levels, including many invertebrates, are less studied despite their ecological significance. Among these taxa, studies examining th...
Grossi, Paolo Prévost, Xavier
International audience
Koubová, Alice Kimhi, Shaul
Published in
BMC public health
The present study examines, as research questions, which and to what extent psychological and demographic variables significantly predict individual, community, and societal resilience among a sample of Czech Republic adults (N = 1,100) six months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The research tools included the following scales: Societal, com...
Algarra Fagua, Diana Stella
The behavior of the human being has brought adverse situations, ways of thinking little solvent in the development of the organizations, causing attitudes in the individual little useful in the own vision of the objectives established in the organizations. The document contemplates several fundamental aspects in complex organizations, covering from...
Todorov, Tzvetan
The human being is distinguished from the other animal species by the consciousness he has of being inscribed over time. He knows that he is mortal, that his life will have an end, he also knows that it had a beginning which links this initial moment to the present moment. This continuity presents itself to his consciousness in the form of a narrat...
Karlsson, Daniel Lans, Oskar
Sverige befinner sig i en situation där omvärldsläget har förändrats. Det började med en pandemi, vilken har följts av militära konflikter i vår närhet. Detta har gjort att både politiker och medborgare har ett nytt omvärldsläge att ta ställning till. Försvarsmakten har fått i uppgift att öka antalet värnpliktiga som genomgår grundutbildning. Den ...
Morales, Sebastián
This article is the result of a frame-by-frame analysis of Jorge Sanjinés' film: Yawar Mallku (1969). The analysis focuses on the functions performed by the close-up in the film. The hypothesis is raised that this technique does not seek to express the individuality of a character. On the contrary, facial images are reflective surfaces that allow d...