walsh-knarvik, kimble
For at least two decades, lack of knowledge about the Sámi in Norway has been recognised as a reason for the perpetuation of stereotypes and discriminatory acts and hate speech towards them. Education about the Sámi, their lifeways, culture and rights is posited as a means of closing this gap, with the intention of influencing the majority Norwegia...
Pham, Thu Blue, Levon E. Baeza, Angela Anderson, Peter Saward, Melanie
Recommendations in the Universities Accord reveal a focus on increasing enrolments of under-represented groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Enrolling students is just one part of the piece. Our research identifies what factors contributed to Indigenous students’ graduating from university. We conducted a study with 308 ...
Garcia, Juliana Cecilia
The focus of my capstone project is on providing mental health resources for migrant workers and their families. Language barriers and cultural differences are a big obstacle for these parents. Because of this, it is hard for parents to seek help. Language barriers can make communicating one’s struggles with healthcare providers difficult. These to...
Boyd, Eileen
This capstone project delves into the persistent issue of homework perpetuating inequalities among low-income families. Drawing on insights from North American public school teachers who have shared their perspectives and experiences, this research employs a combination of literature reviews, teacher interviews, and anonymous surveys. The collectiv...
Enriquez, Ronaldo
The focus of this Capstone Project is on parent involvement for non-English speaking parents and the roadblocks they may face. This is an essential issue because parental involvement is especially important to foster academic success for students. It is argued that the primary stakeholder perspectives chosen were non-English speaking parents, teach...
Ganesan, Uma
The complicated history of the education of Native American children through U.S. government-sponsored practices has led to the elimination of the Native children’s sense of Indian identity, culture, and language (Noel, 2002). In addition, increased emphasis on standardization and high-stakes accountability under the No Child Left Behind Act of 200...
Hurd, Brandon
Climate-appropriate agroforestry can provide low-input food security and ecosystem services for local Californian Mediterranean climates, while conserving natural resources (e.g., water, nitrogen, etc.). This project showcases a variety of agroforestry methods for five common plant communities of California and other analogous Mediterranean climate...
Guin, Rajib Kumar
In this paper, a picture of tribal enrolment in schools and higher education in four tribal-dominated districts of West Bengal, namely Paschim Medinipur, Jhargram, Purulia, and Bankura, collectively known as "Jungle Mahal" is analysed through various statistical data. It is examined by the statistical data that the tribals here, especially the fema...
Maillet, Kiana
In Native American communities, the idea of “school” often has negative connotations because of the overt and covert use, by current and past school systems, of forced assimilation practices intended to eradicate Native American cultures. Native Americans, historically and currently, have experienced longstanding micro-aggressions and attempts by t...
Equinoa, Olivia
This paper introduces the practice of decolonization and discusses the importance of implementing it in higher environmental education. Using scholarly critiques and research, this paper explores ways decolonization can be enacted in universities, cautions in doing so, the consequences of not decolonizing these areas, and why it is crucial that it ...