Andrango Bolaños, Juan Diego
This paper contains some positions of the journeys and transits that have been developed as part of a postdoctoral research project at the University of São Paulo, it is the synergy that is built in the process of approaching Guarani native peoples in the state of São Paulo and also Andean communities in Ecuador. It describes some processes of huma...
Balbontín Gallo, Cristóbal
The purpose of this article is to give an account of the cultural imprint that nature has for the Mapuche people, and more specifically its normative performance through the so-called Az Mapu, or Mapuche customary code of good living, which involves both humans and non-human beings that are part of nature. For this purpose, ethnographic fieldwork i...
Lima, Wellcherline Miranda Vasconcelos, Sergio Sezino Douets
The study discusses education and spirituality in the indigenous people Xukuru do Ororubá, located in the municipality of Pesqueira and Poção (PE). As an objective, we seek to understand about the educational processes experienced in an indigenous school, located in that territory, highlighting spirituality as an educational principle, with a view ...
Leal Landeros, Joselin
This article analyzes the tensions and conflicts between the Indians of Socoroma and Codpa with the priest Pedro Joaquín de Cáceres during the 18th century. Through the accusations against the coadjutor priest, it is observed that these tensions were mediated by disputes over the head of the Codpa Doctrine and that there were disputes between the f...
Penha, Luciene Monteiro de Almeida Silva, Adnilson
The article analyzed the territorialization process of the Katxuyana indigenous people, in the municipality of Oriximiná, west of Pará. In the early 2000s, the Katxuyana returned to their territory of origin, after living for over 30 years in other territories. The process of territorialization for the Katxuyana has a double meaning: affirmation of...
Sobreira, Ana Carla Barros
Este texto objetiva tecer algumas reflexões sobre a construção da imagem do indígena na práxis de sala de aula, em séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, em uma escola pública brasileira, e relacionar tal construção identitária com o conceito do exótico. Tendo como locus de enunciação as Teorias Decoloniais, proponho uma leitura crítica de algumas ...
Heindorf, C Reyes-Agüero, J A Fortanelli-Martínez, J van 't Hooft, A
Published in
Economic botany
Más que maíces, plátanos y café: La diversidad inter e intraespecífica de plantas comestibles en los mosaicos de paisaje de los mayas huastecos en México. Las emergencias globales como la pérdida de biodiversidad y la crisis climática obligan a identificar y a reconocer los recursos fitogenéticos en los sistemas complejos agrícolas indígenas, para ...
Batista, Heloan Patrick da Silva Leonido, Levi Morgado, Elsa Maria Gabriel
The plan of the construction of the University Wyka Kwara in the Cotijuba Island, in Belém do Pará, seeks forms of sustainable construction in order to reduce the environmental impacts caused by Man. A prior survey of conceptions on the issue of volunteering was carried out, in which a questionnaire was made available online, in the host groups of ...
Mancinelli, Gloria
In the middle of the last century, the Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples of Latin America gave impetus to a renewed process of struggles with the objective of confronting the profound inequalities and inequities that they face as social groups. These struggles question the monocultural and homogenizing character of contemporary National States...
Sitnikova, Natalia V. Nikolaeva, Alla D.
The article actualizes the problems of organizing distance learning in the education system of indigenous peoples, including those leading a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle with their parents, in the context of transformation lessons of the pandemic. The authors present the results of the 2020-2021 study of the situation with distant learning in ...