Szada, Marta
Published in
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity
Frequently, studies focusing on the fourth-century Trinitarian controversy stop at the 380s and emphasize the importance of the Council of Constantinople and the Council of Aquileia in 381, and the end of Italian rule of the last Homoian emperor, Valentinian II. In very common interpretation, these events mark the virtual end of the Latin Homoianis...
Neri, Elisabetta Nallbani, Etleva
dans G. Noyé, E. Neri (éd), actes de la conférence internationale « Le tappe di una transizione tecnologica. Le produzioni vitree in Italia e ai suoi margini dal Tardo Antico al XII sec.: aree bizantine, longobarde e arabe », Université de Calabre, Cosenza, 29-30 mai 2019, Themata 2, Bari, Edipuglia. / International audience
Neri, Elisabetta Gratuze, Bernard Schibille, Nadine
Published in
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
The trade of glass beads has long been assumed to have been under Islamic dominance during the early centuries following the Arab conquest of the Middle East, judged by the prevalence of Islamic beads in the archaeological contexts from Viking Scandinavia to medieval Morocco. This paper explores the impact of the Byzantine-Slavic transition on the ...
Kulla, Ariola
Where does a language come from? Every language has its own history and during the course of that history, it might change, evolve or even die. Why do languages borrow from each other? Borrowing seems to be true for every language that has contact with another, even for major cultural languages such as Greek. Every case though is unique in itself. ...
Bavant, Bernard
Pendant l'hiver 400, Nicetas, évêque de Rémésinan, embarqua pour un long voyage retour vers l'Italie. Paulin de Nole, dans un poème d'adieu, a décrit son itinéraire, qui le conduisit dans la partie orientale de l'Illyricum, territoire d'oppositions entre orient et occident. Les activités, missionnaire notamment, de Nicétas dans cette région éclaire...