Aufstellung eines Kriterienkataloges zur Testung von Lubricity-Additiven in Dieselkraftstoff fuer den Raffinerieeinsatz ...
The 'Air' Department of the Federal Environmental Agency initiated a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 in order to carry out its tasks as a EU reference laboratory for air pollution monitoring. Harmonisation of measurements is attempted not only in the Federal Republic of Germany but world-wide. This is to be achieved by s...
This report presents the results of a WHO Europen Intercomparison Workshop on Air Quality Monitoring (NO, NO_2, SO_2 and O_3) conducted in May 2002 by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control in co-operation with the national reference laboratory of UBA Pilotstation in Langen, Germany. The Workshop was a con...
Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, einheitliche und gesicherte Messverfahren fuer die Erfassung von Distickstoffmonoxid (N_2O)-Emissionen zu entwickeln. Bei den Messverfahren handelt es sich einerseits um manuelle Messverfahren, wobei ein Teil des Gases in Probenahmebeuteln gesammelt und anschliessend im Labor mittels Gaschromatographie und Elektronen...