Weber, Rosa Pupaza, Elena Wilson, Ben Ichou, Mathieu
Although there is a considerable body of research on immigrant spatial assimilation, there is a lack of comparative studies that evaluate whether differences across contexts and outcomes are genuine, or merely a product of different research designs. In response, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of childhood neighborhood contexts across multip...
Attané, Isabelle Merli, Giovanna
DOI 10.3917/popsoc.622.0001
Weber, Rosa
Increasing rates of refugee and family reunion immigration have led to rising concern about integration in Europe. Previous studies point to the importance of social contacts for migrants’ labour market integration but suggest that they play different roles for men and women. Yet, less attention has been paid to the potential factors shaping gender...
Ferry, Mathieu Tanneau, Pierre Simon, Patrick
L’enregistrement des origines des enquêté·es sur trois générations dans l’enquête « Trajectoires et Origines 2 » permet de saisir les effets de près d’un siècle d’immigration sur la diversité des origines de la population française. En reprenant les catégories conventionnelles des générations d’immigration, nous étudions en coupe les strates d’immi...
Ichou, Mathieu Palheta, Ugo
Les recherches sur la situation professionnelle des enfants d’immigré·es ont montré l’ampleur des inégalités ethnoraciales dans l’accès à l’emploi en France. Cependant, rares sont les travaux français qui portent spécifiquement sur les inégalités ethnoraciales de salaires et, lorsqu’ils le font, ils concluent généralement à la faiblesse ou à l’abse...
Govind, Yajna Sirugue, Louis
We examine how changing the costs of acquiring citizenship translates into naturalization decisions for second-generation immigrants, and the effect of naturalization on their labor market outcomes. We exploit the abolition of mandatory military service in France as an exogenous reduction in the cost of citizenship for men. We find that the reform ...
Weber, Rosa Ferry, Mathieu Ichou, Mathieu
Prior research shows that immigrants are often over-educated: their educational attainment is higher than what is required or commonly observed in their occupation. Yet, less is known about the education-occupation mismatch among immigrants’ children and grandchildren (the second and third generations). Using the French Trajectories and Origins 2 (...
Beauchemin, Cris Ichou, Mathieu Simon, Patrick
Cet article présente la deuxième édition d’une enquête de référence sur la diversité des populations en France : l’enquête Trajectoires et Origines (TeO2), coproduite par l’Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) et l’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (Insee). Cette réédition, qui se place dans la continuité de ...
Slavnić, Zoran Obućina, Ognjen
The importance of legal status for the integration of refugees and other migrants has long been recognised by researchers. Previous literature generally indicates that an unfavourable legal status often has adverse consequences on socio-economic integration outcomes. The aim of this article is to compare the socio-economic outcomes of two refugee g...
Florian, Sandra Flippen, Chenoa Parrado, Emilio
The context of reception is an important theoretical and empirical tool for understanding immigrant assimilation. Yet, this concept has been narrowly defined as a gender-neutral socioeconomic and political context that immigrants encounter at arrival. We argue that this concept can be useful for understanding immigrant women’s workforce assimilatio...