Meesters, Caroline Van Kerckvoorde, Vincent Belien, Tim Bylemans, Dany Herman, Lisa Clymans, Rik Jacquemyn, Hans Lievens, Bart
sponsorship: We are grateful to VLAIO (Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship) for financial support of this research [project HBC.2018.2199] . Further, we would like to thank Biobest for providing us with N. tenuis and M. pygmaeus to establish our lab cultures, as well as E. kuehniella eggs for their maintenance. We would like to thank Nele Deki...
Inak, Emre Demirci, Berke Vandenhole, Marilou Soylemezoglu, Gokhan Van Leeuwen, Thomas Toprak, Umut
Ketoenol acaricides have been widely used to control Tetranychus urticae populations across the world. However, control failure due to resistance development is an increasing concern. To sustain resistance management, it is therefore important to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance, as well as understand the level of cross-res...
Zelalem, Wondie Anteneh, Wassie Mingist, Minwyelet Kibret, Mulugeta Adgo, Enyew Erarto, Felegush De Rop, Jasmine De Cock, Andrée Spanoghe, Pieter Goethals, Peter
Pesticide use has increased in the Lake Tana sub-basin due to increased agricultural activity, potentially endangering nontargeted organisms. To assess its potential impact on fish health and fish-consuming human populations, pesticide concentrations in the fillet and liver tissue of three fish species, namely Labeobarbus megastoma, Labeobarbus tsa...
Raimets, Risto Naudi, Sigmar Mand, Marika Bartkevics, Vadims Smagghe, Guy Karise, Reet
Simple Summary Numerous pesticide residues have been found in bee products. It is unclear whether and to what degree pesticides migrate between different bee matrices. Even though the use of many common insecticides is strictly regulated, fungicide residues are still ubiquitous in bee matrices and data regarding this problem are still insufficient....
Albayrak, Tuba Yorulmaz, Sibel İnak, Emre Toprak, Umut Van Leeuwen, Thomas
Published in
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
The predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus McGregor (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is an important natural enemy of phytophagous mites, and naturally established populations are often found in apple orchards. However, insecticide applications to control pests cause side effects to non-target organisms such as N. californicus. Pirimicarb, a widely used carba...
Theys, Charlotte Verheyen, Julie Tuzun, Nedim Stoks, Robby
There is growing evidence that both increases in mean temperature and the widespread daily temperature fluctuations (DTF) may increase pesticide toxicity. Nevertheless, the likely more stressful, realistic combination of the two warming-related stressors has rarely been considered in ecotoxicology. Moreover, we have little knowledge on whether thes...
Delnat, Vienna Verborgt, Jonathan Janssens, Lizanne Stoks, Robby
Daily temperature variation (DTV) is an important warming-related stressor that may magnify pesticide toxicity. Yet, it is unknown whether the pesticide impact under DTV is partly ameliorated by a faster pesticide degradation caused by cyclically higher temperatures under DTV. As synergisms may be more likely under energy-limiting conditions, the i...
Robert, Vincent
En une trentaine d'années, les moustiquaires imprégnées de pyrétrinoïdes se sont imposées en protection personnelle et en santé publique comme un moyen de prévention du paludisme. Un des acteurs de ces découvertes présente un panorama des moustiquaires imprégnées d'insecticide et apporte ici son témoignage, se fondant particulièrement sur les circo...
Toledo, Pedro F. S. Ferreira, Taciano P. Bastos, Isabela M. A. S. Rezende, Sarah M. Jumbo, Luis O. Viteri Didonet, Julcemar Andrade, Bruno S. Melo, Tarcisio S. Smagghe, Guy Oliveira, Eugenio E.
Trapp, Judith Gouveia, Duarte Almunia, Christine Pible, Olivier Degli Esposti, Davide Gaillard, Jean-Charles Chaumot, Arnaud Geffard, Olivier Armengaud, Jean
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Taxon-specific proteins from sentinel species have been shown to be among the most relevant proteins to monitor the biological effects of anthropogenic contaminations. Shotgun proteomics allows high-throughput analysis of animal proteomes, but comprehensive coverage remains difficult to achieve due to the wide dynamic range. Here, the advantages of...