Vitoy, Vitor Fernando Perilo
The contemporary historical novel is a literary genre that combines real events from the past with the author's imaginative freedom, leading readers to experience intrigues, crimes, battles, and mysteries. Established in the 19th century, it plays an important role in the construction of a nation's identity and nationality, incorporating truthfulne...
Barnés Vázquez, Antonio
. El Diablo Cojuelo by Luis Vélez de Guevara is an extremely interesting work within the Spanish narrative of the 17th century. The discussion around its genre demonstrates how unclassifiable this movel is. It has been described as a picaresque novel, a satirical-social novel, a story, a picaresque-allegorical narration inspired by Quevedoʼs Sueños...
Lama de la Cruz, Víctor de
By its very definition, the pilgrimage trips to the Holy Land bring together in their pages the story of a journey with other elements typical of devotional books. The journey to the places of salvation has always meant for Christians the most important of pilgrimages, whose tradition dates back to the early days of Christianity, even though the fi...
Simões, Roberto Serafim
Published in
International Journal of Latin American Religions
In this article, we discuss the issue of the authenticity of contemporary yogas of non-Indian matrices, specifically, five Brazilian yogic perspectives . Several new Indian trade schools emerged in the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, the so-called modern yoga and its types emerged. These are spiritual movements that, although contain ...
García Cardiel, Jorge Sánchez Moreno, Eduardo
RésuméPendant la deuxième guerre punique, les commandants de la famille des Scipions ont choisi, au moins à deux reprises, des sanctuaires d’Aphrodite comme lieux de négociation avec les communautés locales hispaniques. Il s’agissait des sanctuaires de Sagunto et de Baria. Cet article vise à analyser les implications idéologiques de ces lieux sacré...
Reniaud, Christophe
A travers l’étude de l’organisation des sapeurs-pompiers en France, qui est constituée à 80 % de sapeurs-pompiers volontaires et à 20 % de sapeurs-pompiers salariés, cette thèse s’intéresse à l’originalité de l’hybridisme républicain comme modèle alternatif d’organisation d’un service public. Elle s’appuie sur la méthodologie de la recherche-action...
Lera García, Marisol
The situation of the novelistic genre appears interesting during the seventeenth century. On the one hand, a type of novel appears at that time, and it was not known like is known today by that term: the novella or short story. On the other hand, prose genres that were easily distinguishable in the sixteenth century, will not be so much recognizabl...
Maria Ferreira Alves, Roberta
In February 1922, at São Paulo Municipal Theater premises, the first collective public manifestation in Brazilian cultural history in favor of a new and modern spirit, in opposition to culture and art with a conservative content. Ninety-seven years later, at the same stage, representative artistic elite of São Paulo, suffers a re-signified occupati...
Modesto, Edcleberton de Andrade Barberena, Ricardo
The autobiographical novel on its own terms is a sort of transgression of what one understands as fiction. By drawing upon places, people and even true events inserted into literary productions, the autobiographical novel ends up creating narratives and novels of the self. Consequently, the blur between reality and fiction brings to the fore not on...
Raillard, Margarita
Resumen: este trabajo se centra en el análisis del texto “Veinte de robots” (2012) del escritor mexicano Alberto Chimal. Después de situarlo con respecto a la modalidad cienciaficcional cyberpunk de finales del siglo XX (en continuidad y divergencia), el artículo muestra cómo el texto opera, al recurrir a la parodia, una amalgama entre extrapol...