kovaľ, matyáš
Jedinci se zrakovým postižením potřebují specifické nástroje k získávání prostorových informací o prostředí, ve kterém se potřebují zorientovat, jako jsou například jednotlivá podlaží domů. Tento typ znalostí se kolektivně nazývá kognitivní mapa prostředí a skládá se z několika komponent (orientační body, vzdálenosti, směry, cesty atp.). Různé inte...
Luo, Peihang Parn, Erika Brilakis, Ioannis
Infrastructure lifecycle management requires interactions with dynamic datasets. Traditional interfaces often hinder users’ ability to rapidly locate lifecycle-specific information they need. Our work proposes ChatTwin, a system that employs Large Language Models (LLMs) to enable natural language queries related to various lifecycle stages of infra...
Persson, Marcus Thunman, Elin Iversen, Clara Redmalm, David
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Robot animals, designed to mimic living beings, pose ethical challenges in the context of caring for vulnerable patients, specifically concerning deception. This paper explores how emotions become a resource for dealing with the misinformative nature of robot animals in dementia care homes. Based on observations of encounters between residents, car...
Zhang, Jingyi Juvrud, Joshua
Published in
Frontiers in Virtual Reality
Introduction: This study examines the complex relationship between gender, virtual reality, and social interaction. Methods: Utilizing unobtrusive observations and interviews within the VRChat platform, this research explored avatar choices, interactions, and full-body tracking (FBT) technology utilization as they related to users’ expressions and ...
Conroy, Melanie Gillmann, Christina Harvey, Francis Mchedlidze, Tamara Fabrikant, Sara Irina Windhager, Florian Scheuermann, Gerik Tangherlini, Timothy R. Warren, Christopher N. Weingart, Scott B.
Published in
Frontiers in Communication
Network visualization is one of the most widely used tools in digital humanities research. The idea of uncertain or “fuzzy” data is also a core notion in digital humanities research. Yet network visualizations in digital humanities do not always prominently represent uncertainty. In this article, we present a mathematical and logical model of uncer...
Islami, Lejla Kitkowska, Agnieszka Fischer-Hübner, Simone
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are on the rise, yet the knowledge about privacy preferences by different types of drivers in this context needs to be improved. This paper presents survey-based research (N = 528) focusing on preferences of drivers from South Africa and the Nordic countries for data processing and sharing by ITS, including ...
Wärendh Rylander, Olof Häger, Edwin
Denna kvalitativa studie syftar på att undersöka musikers användning av digitala verktyg för att främja det kreativa arbetet. Mer specifikt: musikproducenters användning av så kallade CST:s - Creativity Support Tools - som i någon utsträckning implementerar AI. Forskningsfrågan som behandlas är: Hur vill musiker interagera med AI för att främja det...
Nilsson, Camilla
Denna studie undersökte interaktionsdesignen på Sundbybergs stads intranät i syfte att analysera hur olika designelement påverkar användarupplevelsen, med fokus på hittbarhet. Studien genomfördes med en kombination av intervjuer, Think Aloud-tester, enkätanalys och litteraturstudie. Med avstamp i kognitionsvetenskap baserades denna studie på teorie...
Wikström, Sandra Lubkowitz, Daniella
This study aims to explore the link between user interface design and the increased usage of social media as a search engine over traditional search engines by young adults. We conducted semi-structured interviews and user testing with 9 participants who have previously used both TikTok and Google for searching. The results showed a link between de...
Roman, Victor Zong, Xingrong
As the digital age progresses, more and more data and information is produced. At the same time, platforms and services have become increasingly more interconnected. Network visualization can best represent and understand this data and this interconnectedness. Networks and graphs are fairly flexible and allow us to better understand e.g. who are fr...