Duboule, Denis Rekaik, Hocine
Published in
Cells & development
2024 not only marked the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the organizer by Hilde Pröscholdt-Mangold and Hans Spemann, but also the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the homeobox, a DNA region encoding a DNA binding peptide present in several transcription factors of critical importance for the gastrulating embryo. In particular, this sequen...
Iqbal, Hifza Aftab, Muhammad Haroon Akgul, Ali Mufti, Zeeshan Saleem Yaqoob, Iram Bayram, Mustafa Riaz, Muhammad Bilal
Published in
Topological Indices are the mathematical estimate related to atomic graph that corresponds biological structure with several real properties and chemical activities. These indices are invariant of graph under graph isomorphism. If top(h1) and top(h2) denotes topological index h1 and h2 respectively then h1 approximately equal h2 which implies that ...
Walker, D Catherine Gaither, Sarah E De Los Santos, Bonelyn Keigan, Jessica Schaefer, Lauren M Thompson, J Kevin
Published in
Body image
Several sociocultural female body ideals exist - thin, muscular/athletic, and, more recently, curvier ideals, which research specifically suggests are more prevalent among Black women. Two validated measures assess women's desire for curvier bodies, but neither assess certain facets of curvy ideals (e.g., thick vs. slim-thick) separately. We develo...
Liu, Jialin Frochaux, Michael Gardeux, Vincent Deplancke, Bart Robinson-Rechavi, Marc
Published in
BMC Biology
BackgroundThe evolution of embryological development has long been characterized by deep conservation. In animal development, the phylotypic stage in mid-embryogenesis is more conserved than either early or late stages among species within the same phylum. Hypotheses to explain this hourglass pattern have focused on purifying the selection of gene ...
Quddus Khan, Akif Khan, Salman Ullah, Mohib Cheikh, Faouzi Alaya
Published in
Image and Signal Processing
Animal behavior analysis is a crucial task for the industrial farming. In an indoor farm setting, extracting Key joints of animals is essential for tracking the animal for a longer period of time. In this paper, we proposed a deep network that exploits transfer learning to train the network for the pig skeleton extraction in an end to end fashion. ...
Lee, Huang S Tasarib, Rohaman Hamzah, Fahrudin C Halim, Ashraf HA
Published in
Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction
Aim We describe a novel technique of bone splitting and bone grafting in managing hypoplastic or hourglass-shaped regenerated bone in distraction osteogenesis. Background Hourglass-shaped regenerated bone is a potential complication during distraction osteogenesis which is vulnerable to fracture when loaded. Our novel technique overcomes this by in...
Kermin, Regina
Les enjeux du travail sur la durée à l’école maternelle sont importants. Il s’agit d’aider les élèves à devenir autonomes. C'est aussi une exigence du programme de l'école maternelle. Le travail sur la durée aide les élèves à mieux structurer leurs propos et leurs pensées. Pour être efficace, le travail mené en classe doit s’appuyer sur les outils ...
髙橋, 昂誠 村上, 章 藤澤, 和謙 福元, 豊
土の挙動を粒子レベルから数値的にシミュレートすることには, 幅広い需要と応用性があり, 本研究では, 2次元砂時計を流れ落ちる砂の挙動を粒子レベルからモデリングすることを試みた. まず, ガラスビーズを実験試料とし, 一面せん断試験から材料の摩擦特性を計測した後, 2 次元砂時計装置でのガラスビーズの流下挙動をPIV計測を通して観測した. 個別要素法による数値シミュレーションでは, 一面せん断試験の結果から, ガラスビーズの粒子間摩擦角と転がり摩擦係数を求め, 減衰係数を調整することで2次元砂時計実験の再現を試みた. 実験と数値解析では定性的な一致を得たものの, 一面せん断試験から得られた粒子間摩擦角と転がり摩擦係数を固定した上で, 減衰係数のみ変えて砂時計内を流れ落ちるガラスビーズの形状変...
Hughes, Peter Brennan, Ian Ryan, J. Mark
Published in
European Radiology Experimental
We evaluated a novel intravascular plug, the Hourglass peripheral embolisation device (PED). We describe, for the first time, the use of this device and discuss its potential applications. The device was deployed in nine patients over a six-month period at a single institution by two different operators. Five patients underwent renal artery embolis...
Malik, Assaf Gildor, Tsvia Sher, Noa Layous, Majed Ben-Tabou de-Leon, Smadar
Published in
Developmental biology
Embryonic development evolves by balancing stringent morphological constraints with genetic and environmental variation. The design principle that allows developmental transcriptional programs to conserve embryonic morphology while adapting to environmental changes is still not fully understood. To address this fundamental challenge, we compare dev...