The Sudanese Mahdiyya (1881-1899): A Historiographical Survey
Dans son livre Ni droite ni gauche, L’idéologie fasciste en France paru en 1983 et consacré à l’histoire politique et idéologique de la France dans les années 1930, Zeev Sternhell défendait l’idée de l’existence d’un fascisme français largement répandu parmi les forces politiques et surtout les milieux intellectuels. Ils auraient affûté et diffusé ...
Ce volume rassemble les textes de dix communications données à Montpellier entre 2021 et 2023 dans le cadre du séminaire de recherche Ipse Dixit, consacré à l’historiographie des sciences de la Méditerranée antique. Ces contributions en histoire, archéologie, égyptologie ou numismatique abordent chacune une problématique et sa conceptualisation par...
This article presents the progress of an ongoing investigation into the artistic and commercial contribution of the German nationalized Argentinian photographer Annemarie Heinrich to local cinema during the classic period (1933-1959). Our general objective is to reconnect her professional career with the artistic, social and commercial context of a...
Over the last two decades, studies of the history of the Uruguayan dictatorship have begun to develop systematically. While several works analyzed this period during previous decades, it was not until the 21st century that there was a sustained increase in the number of studies (and especially publications) of this historical moment. It is worth cl...
Chapter for The Cambridge History of International Law (vol. 1), surveying legal and historical scholarship on the European continent (excluding Britain and Ireland, as well as Russia and its successor states), from the Age of Enlightenment on. After an initial reflection on 'historiography, history writing and the use of the past by international ...
This article examines the complex relationship between the New Left and the Labour Party in the United Kingdom during the late 1950s and early 1960s. Many existing accounts have for the most part focussed on the New Left’s ideational concerns. In contrast, we detail the New Left’s attitude to Labour politics, demonstrating that it was an issue that...
Desde os anos setenta do século passado, os estudos de mulher e de gênero trouxeram para o campo da historiografia ocidental, além das inúmeras provas das contribuições das mulheres para a cultura obliteradas ou distorcidas pela historiografia oficial, uma visão bem completa das estratégias de exclusão, apropriação, distorção e perseguição desse ma...
status: Published
Published in Klio
Scopo di questo articolo è l’analisi di due frammenti dei Persikà dello storico Ellanico di Lesbo che contengono cenni di storia assira relativi in particolare alla figura del re Sardanapalo. L’analisi di queste testimonianze costituisce una buona occasione per riflettere sulla ricezione della storia assira nella cultura storiografica greca nel V s...