Espinoza Meléndez, Pedro
Resumen Este ensayo reflexiona sobre las narrativas católicas producidas sobre la historia religiosa de la península de Baja California durante los siglos XIX y XX. Para analizar un corpus historiográfico de relatos, historias, biografías y memorias, intento moverme en cuatro ejes de análisis: la distinción teórica entre la historiografía moderna c...
Molina Villeta, Javier
El presente artículo revisa la figura de doña Marina (o Malintzin) en base a fuentes documentales poco exploradas. Como veremos, parte de la historiografía americanista reivindica su cosmovisión indígena pasando por alto las crónicas y los testimonios que subrayan su fidelidad a los castellanos y describen su activa participación junto a Hernán Cor...
Hernández, Yepsaly
The text seeks to characterize the historiographic lines that have predominated in the studies referring to the exile of the former Argentine president, Juan Domingo Perón (1955-1973), with three purposes: to underline the relevance of connecting the two sections of his exile trajectory, namely, the Latin American and Spanish; to highlight the impo...
Clark, David O.
By 1930 reflex physiology supported American psychology’s ambition to be considered a science. When a challenge threatened the consensus, this initiated a conflict over the direction of psychology’s future. Events that constitute the history of science involve countless complex interactions, and the necessity for a thesis to focus the interpretatio...
Tamayo Belda, Eduardo Soto Vera, Anahí Fuentes Armadans, Claudio José Alfonso Monges, Mirtha Peris Castiglioni, Carlos Aníbal
Editorial of the monographic dossier entitled "About mirrors and windows: Paraguay as an object of historical, social, cultural and political study from an international perspective", presentation of the dossier on Paraguay international history published in the Revista Historia Autónoma journal, nº 25 (September 2024). / Editorial del monográfico ...
Conchon, Anne
L’objet de cet article est de dresser un état de l’historiographie traitant des transports dans la France d’Ancien Régime, en articulant leurs différentes dimensions —infrastructures, opérateurs et trafics—, et en intégrant les enjeux divers —politiques, économiques et sociaux— qu’ils présentent. Cette revue de lectures, si elle rend comptedes prin...
Arconada Ledesma, Pablo
The aim of this study is to review the scientific production on the history of Somalia in recent decades. Specifically, the research focuses on the events that took place in the decades following the country's decolonisation and up to its disintegration with the outbreak of the civil war in 1991. The choice of this specific period is due to the fac...
Pereira, Hugo Silveira
Photography has been used to record different features of human societies since its invention in the first half of the nineteenth century. After years of being used as an illustrative tool in history, photography conquered its place as a primary source since the mid-1980s. In this article I add to this debate with a methodological approach to use p...
Martínez Esquivel, Ricardo
Review of Arte, prensa y poder: Masones y masonerías en Aguascalientes, siglo XIX de Marco Antonio García Robles. Ciudad de México: Palabra de Clío, 2022. 393 páginas. ISBN: 978-607-8719-21-1, by Ricardo Martínez Esquivel. / Reseña de Arte, prensa y poder: Masones y masonerías en Aguascalientes, siglo XIX de Marco Antonio García Robles. Ciudad de M...
Rodríguez González, Celtia
The study of gender archaeology is not a new nálisise. Its advances in the world of research have provided science with new ways of nálisi the past and understanding the present both internationally and nationally. All this progress has been slow to take hold in Spain, but especially in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. This is largely due to...