Díez Martínez, Daniel
David Travers was the last editor of Arts & Architecture. For five years, he combined the magazine’s postwar avant-garde content with the urban sensibilities of the 1960s, kept the Case Study House program alive, and initiated a new phase of it in the form of the Case Study Apartments. However, unlike his predecessor, John Entenza, Travers is typic...
Ochinowski, Tomasz Kociatkiewicz, Jerzy Kostera, Monika
Zarządzanie – to branie odpowiedzialności, w szczególności za zarządzaną organizację, jej dobro i przyszłość (Mintzberg, 2019). Jest to działalność zapewniająca przede wszystkim przetrwanie organizacji i to jest podstawa zarządzania strategicznego (Obłój, 1987). Zgadzamy się z głosami krytykującymi (np. Parker, 2018) zarządzanie za to, że w ostatni...
Díez Martínez, Daniel
Epílogo del libro 'La renovación del sueño americano: el género, la vivienda y la vida familiar', versión española de 'Redesigning the American dream: gender, housing and family life' (Nueva York: W. W. Norton, 1984, 2002), de Dolores Hayden.
Scholten, Hernán
Resumen En este artículo se propone discutir un tema que, aunque parece obvio, en pocas ocasiones ha sido indagado de manera sistemática: la forma en que Amanda Labarca (1886-1975) aborda la relación entre praxis educativa y sociedad. Para ello se realizará un análisis que se centrará en un conjunto de textos de esta destacada intelectual chilena q...
Tureby, Malin Thor Kaparulin, Yurii
Published in
Eastern European Holocaust Studies
Chapman, Arthur Harry
This paper begins by reviewing the range of ways in which historical thinking concepts are modelled in contemporary Anglophone history education discourse, and identifies a focus on historical accounts and historical interpretations as being characteristicof English history education traditions. Arguments are advanced for the importance and priorit...
Wickman Tiller, Angelica
This study aims to examine aspects related to children who were taken into custody by the Child Welfare Council in the city of Kalmar, as well as the countryside communities of Dörby and Arby, during the years 1926-1931 and 1946-1951. The study highlights the social vulnerability that followed and the circumstances in which the children and parents...
Lasén, Sebastian
Syftet med denna studie är att fastställa vad som motiverade de adliga officerarna i den svenska militären att delta i Gustav III:s revolution 1772. Denna undersökning kommer att använda material skrivet av deltagande adliga officerare mellan 1771 - 1773, med ursprung från Gustavianska eller Sprengtportenska samlingen, samt från biografierna av Joh...
Boutet, Jean-Sébastien
The role of extractive industries in development outcomes is a contested matter. The unresolved, provocative nature of modern mines, and in particular, of the industry’s self-positioning as an engine of local or regional improvement raises difficult problems for territorial, political, economic, cultural, and ontological sovereignty, in part becaus...
Paulsson, Björn