Vitoy, Vitor Fernando Perilo
The contemporary historical novel is a literary genre that combines real events from the past with the author's imaginative freedom, leading readers to experience intrigues, crimes, battles, and mysteries. Established in the 19th century, it plays an important role in the construction of a nation's identity and nationality, incorporating truthfulne...
Lemos Junior, Urbano Gosciola, Vicente
O artigo analisa a multiplicidade midiática e a participação dos usuários no processo de construção da informação na contemporaneidade. Neste cenário, o documentário encontra na narrativa transmídia uma possibilidade de adotar múltiplas linguagens por meio do cruzamento de conteúdos em diferentes mídias. Deste modo, a pesquisa de caráter bibliográf...
da costa, fernando moreira
Esta monografia se propõe a analisar a estrutura narrativa de Grande sertão: veredas a partir de duas hipóteses centrais: o duelo final entre Diadorim e Hermógenes representa o princípio estrutural subjacente ao texto; e, o diabo atua como símbolo desse evento, portando a sua carga signia para toda a obra. Para isso, utilizamos dois conceitos chave...
Lera García, Marisol
The situation of the novelistic genre appears interesting during the seventeenth century. On the one hand, a type of novel appears at that time, and it was not known like is known today by that term: the novella or short story. On the other hand, prose genres that were easily distinguishable in the sixteenth century, will not be so much recognizabl...
Maria Ferreira Alves, Roberta
In February 1922, at São Paulo Municipal Theater premises, the first collective public manifestation in Brazilian cultural history in favor of a new and modern spirit, in opposition to culture and art with a conservative content. Ninety-seven years later, at the same stage, representative artistic elite of São Paulo, suffers a re-signified occupati...
Leote, Rosangella
This article discusses the concept of Biomimicry, which has been applying in many fields, from nanotechnology to robotics. It is appearing in smart materials and machinic intelligence, for diverse purposes, being inspired by natural processes and organisms. The main application of Biomimicry has been to produce artifacts and ideas from what we can ...
Modesto, Edcleberton de Andrade Barberena, Ricardo
The autobiographical novel on its own terms is a sort of transgression of what one understands as fiction. By drawing upon places, people and even true events inserted into literary productions, the autobiographical novel ends up creating narratives and novels of the self. Consequently, the blur between reality and fiction brings to the fore not on...
Gosciola, Vicente Lemos Junior, Urbano
The article analyzes the multiplicity of media and the participation of users in the process of constructing information today. In this scenario, the documentary finds in transmedia narra-‐ tive a possibility of adopting multiple languages through the crossing of contents in different media. In this way, bibliographical research debates how the tra...
Mardones, Daniel Johnson
Situándose en lo que podríamos denominar la hibridad existencial latinoamericana, este texto representa uno más de “los esfuerzos del campo para extender su conversación académica más allá las fronteras nacionales en las que se practica” (Pinar, 2006, p. 165) poniendo en el centro la preocupación por las tendencias en las redes de circulación de co...
Maranhão, Andreia Pagani
RESUMO Com diversos best sellers no currículo, Elena Ferrante é uma das escritoras mais influentes da atualidade; não obstante, é anônima. Sua obra é exemplo do que chamamos literatura de transição, pois indica mutações, resquícios e sinais do presente, enfatizando deslocamentos e margens nas metamorfoses sociopolíticas, bem como conflitos civiliza...