Kohen, Ari Riches, Brian Sólo, Andre
Most people who perform a heroic act will, afterward, deny that their actions were heroic and claim that anyone would have done the same, even though that is demonstrably false (and, often, others were present who failed to act heroically at all). The literature on the psychology of heroism has never investigated why this is. This theoretical paper...
Martigny, Cassandre
Cet article étudie le traitement de la mort de Jocaste à travers la comparaison de deux œuvres antiques, l’Odyssée et l’Œdipe Roi, et de deux recréations théâtrales modernes, Jocaste de Michèle Fabien (1981) et Yocasta de Mariana Percovich (2003), pour analyser la façon dont les variations autour de cet épisode influent directement sur la construct...
Yoshikawa, Kazuyoshi
En décrivant la guerre dans Le Temps retrouvé, à travers les propos de différentes classes sociales, Proust est convaincu que seule cette méthode est en mesure d’exprimer la « réalité ». Celle-ci n’est perçue qu’à travers nos paroles et celles des autres, non sans beaucoup de contradiction et avec peu de fiabilité. En vertu de son aptitude à exprim...
Toto, Francesco
International audience
Hagley, Jessica
This thesis explores the representation of the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés in four epic poems spanning the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, investigating how the politico-historical conditions of early modern Spain and Mexico gave rise to varying concepts of heroism. Through an analysis of Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega’s *Mexicana* (15...
Brown, Robert James
This doctoral thesis examines the career of speed record-breaker Donald Campbell to illuminate changing attitudes to celebrity, technology, and nation. Following the tradition established by his record-breaking father Sir Malcolm Campbell, Donald mounted a series of record attempts in a succession of vehicles names Bluebird, setting his first recor...
Donofrio, Andrea Rubio Moraga, Ángel L.
Roma ciudad abierta no solo es considerada una película que retrata la resistencia italiana y que promueve la propaganda antifascista, sino que, además, representa un ejemplo del estilo rosselliniano, de su forma de captar la realidad en su crudeza. Una realidad marcada por hombres y mujeres que sufren, que luchan contra las adversidades y que anhe...
Scherman, Victor
The essay compares Madeline Miller's books The Song of Achilles and Circe to their antique originals: the Iliad and the Odyssey. The main focus is the relationship the characters in Miller's books hold to their homeric counterparts and the evolution of the heroic and masculinity ideals they represent. The ideals they carry are examined through west...
Sanmartín Cava, Josep Francesc
[ES] A lo largo de la historia, cada era configura su propio imaginario respecto al héroe, de modo que la mitología resultante se conforma en función a la cosmogonía del momento. Sin embargo, este imaginario también posee una ascendencia cultural y está constantemente influida por las distintas corrientes cosmogónicas del pasado. Eso permite compre...
Rusch, Hannes
Published in
Current opinion in psychology
This review compiles and contextualizes the available empirical literature on natural occurrences of high-stakes altruism among nonrelatives, i.e., behaviors often called 'heroic'. Four domains are covered: exceptional bravery and self-sacrifice in war, heroism in civilian life, undirected organ donations, and rescues of persecuted persons during m...