Choi, Sang Fowler, Kathryn Chernyak, Victoria Sirlin, Claude
The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) is a comprehensive system that uses standardized terminology, technique, interpretation, and reporting of imaging studies for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance, diagnosis, and locoregional treatment response assessment. Since its initial release in 2011, LI-RADS has evolved and expanded in s...
Zhou, Yi Zhang, Shu Qiu, guoteng Wang, Xue Yonemura, Andrew Xu, Hongwei Cui, Guofei Deng, Shanshan Chun, Joanne Chen, Nianyong
Activated mTORC2/AKT signaling plays a role in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Research has shown that TSC/mTORC1 and FOXO1 are distinct downstream effectors of AKT signaling in liver regeneration and metabolism. However, the mechanisms by which these pathways mediate mTORC2/AKT activation in HCC are not yet fully understood. Amplification and acti...
Long, Donald Chan, Marina Han, Mingqi Kamdar, Zeal Ma, Rosanna Tsai, Pei-Yin Francisco, Adam Barrow, Joeva Shackelford, David Yarchoan, Mark
Fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC) is a rare, lethal, early-onset liver cancer with a critical need for new therapeutics. The primary driver in FLC is the fusion oncoprotein, DNAJ-PKAc, which remains challenging to target therapeutically. It is critical, therefore, to expand understanding of the FLC molecular landscape to identify druggable pathways/tar...
Zhao, Wennan Wang, Xue Han, Lifeng Zhang, Chunze Wang, Chenxi Kong, Dexin Zhang, Mingzhe Xu, Tong Li, Gen Hu, Ge
Activated Wnt/β-catenin pathway is a key genetic event in liver cancer development. Solute carrier (SLC) transporters are promising drug targets. Here, we identify SLC13A3 as a drug-targetable effector downstream of β-catenin in liver cancer. SLC13A3 expression is elevated in human liver cancer samples with gain of function (GOF) mutant CTNNB1, the...
Ryan, James C Haight, Christina Niemi, Erene C Grab, Joshua D Dodge, Jennifer L Lanier, Lewis L Monto, Alexander
Background and aimsSecond-generation direct-acting antivirals (2G DAA) to cure HCV have led to dramatic clinical improvements. HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), however, remains common. Impaired immune tumor surveillance may play a role in HCC development. Our cohort evaluated the effects of innate immune types and clinical variables o...
Ampuero, Javier Aller, Rocío Gallego-Durán, Rocío Crespo, Javier Calleja, Jose Luis García-Monzón, Carmelo Gómez-Camarero, Judith Caballería, Joan Lo Iacono, Oreste Ibañez, Luis
Published in
Journal of gastroenterology
MASLD can manifest as hepatocellular damage, which can result in mild elevation of aminotransferases. However, in some patients, MASLD presents with cholestatic pattern. To assess the impact of the biochemical pattern on the natural course of MASLD, including liver damage in histology, the accuracy of non-invasive tests(NITs), and prognosis. Multic...
Liang, Jeff Li, Po-Yi Norman, Joshua Lauzon, Marie Yeo, Yee Trivedi, Hirsh Ayoub, Walid Kuo, Alexander Friedman, Marc Sankar, Kamya
BACKGROUND: Serum AFP-L3%, AFP, and DCP are useful biomarkers for HCC detection, but their utility in assessing treatment response remains unknown. We aim to evaluate the accuracy of a biomarker model in the detection of posttreatment viable tumors. METHODS: For model derivation, recipients with HCC undergoing liver transplant from 2018 to 2022 who...
Hassan, Manal Li, Donghui Han, Younghun Byun, Jinyoung Hatia, Rikita Long, Erping Choi, Jiyeon Kelley, Robin Cleary, Sean Lok, Anna
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Despite the substantial impact of environmental factors, individuals with a family history of liver cancer have an increased risk for HCC. However, genetic factors have not been studied systematically by genome-wide approaches in large numbers of individuals from European descent populations (EDP). APPROACH AND RESULTS: We cond...
Wilson, Harry Macdonald, Douglas Bryce, Kathleen
Published in
Case Reports in Gastroenterology
Introduction: Patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have limited treatment options in the context of decompensated cirrhosis. HCC occurs in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and cirrhosis at 1–4% per year. Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) efficacy is decreased in the presence of HCC. We present a case where immunotherapy ...
Ghouse, Jonas Sveinbjörnsson, Gardar Vujkovic, Marijana Seidelin, Anne-Sofie Gellert-Kristensen, Helene Ahlberg, Gustav Tragante, Vinicius Rand, Søren Brancale, Joseph Vilarinho, Silvia
We report a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study on liver cirrhosis and its associated endophenotypes, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and γ-glutamyl transferase. Using data from 12 cohorts, including 18,265 cases with cirrhosis, 1,782,047 controls, up to 1 million individuals with liver function tests and a validation cohort of 21,689 cases...