La fabrique d'une anthropologie "chez" les hydrologues repose sur une pratique scientifique originale, qui interroge la rencontre des sciences de la nature et celles de la société, ainsi que le rôle de l'anthropologue dans ce contexte interdisciplinaire. À partir de son expérience, Jeanne Riaux analyse la manière dont des scientifiques de disciplin...
Zribi, MehrezBrocca, L.Tramblay, YvesMolle, François
Water Resources in the Mediterranean Region summarizes and collates scientific developments around water resources in the mediterranean socio-economic environment through a multidisciplinary framework synthesizing hydrology, hydrogeology, climate, bioclimatology, economics, and geography. As such, it provides essential information for any reader lo...
Ce guide de caractérisation des échanges nappe/rivière vise à mettre à la disposition des acteurs de l'eau des connaissances et des méthodes développées et mises en oeuvre préalablement dans le cadre de travaux de recherche. L'élaboration de ce guide technique fait suite au projet scientifique soutenu par l'Onema appelé Naprom (nappesrivières : obs...
This work is devoted to modeling the evolution of the homogenized solute diffusion coefficient within unsaturated granular materials by means of micromechanics approach. On the basis of its distinct role in solute diffusion, the liquid water within unsaturated granular materials is distinguished into four types, namely intergranular layer (intercon...
Dasgupta, S. (ed.)Bercegol, R. de (ed.)Henry, O. (ed.)O'Neill, B. (ed.)Poupeau, F. (ed.)Richard-Ferroudji, A. (ed.)Zérah, Marie-Hélène (ed.)
This working paper presents the proceedings of an international workshop on water policies, held on January 2016 in (Delhi) and brought together 25 participants. It was supported by a number of partners (Centre for Policy Research, Centre de Sciences Humaines, Institut Français of Pondicherry, UMI i-GLOBES CNRS/University of Arizona, ANR ENGIND, AN...
Urban growth implies land use changes with natural and agricultural lands becoming urbanized. Hydrological processes in these areas are significantly affected and artificial elements like channels, pipes, streets and other stormwater facilities modify the structure and connectivity of the surface drainage systems. Distributed hydrological modelling...