Filtrationszyklus keramischer Abreinigungsfilter und Heissgasreigingung mit katalytischer und sorptiver Schadstoffredukt...
Part 2 of the aforesaid research project deals with energy indicators for production processes as well as with characteristic values for intersectoral basic techniques. Energy indicators for the following areas have been determined in detail: industrial products: - container glass - bitumen, fuels, fuel oil -mineral splinter mixtures - asphalt; bas...
The report comprises three sections: Development and testing of a particulate measuring system, numeric simulation of the purification process, and measurements and calculations of the reaction kinetics of homogeneous gaseous phase reactions. The first two aspects relate to the first project, 'Filtration cycle of ceramic off-gas filters', the final...
Hot gas filtering in modern power plants takes place at temperatures above 600 C. Filter elements are often based on ceramic materials, especially silicon carbide, which is a temperature and corrosion-sensitive material. The report characterises common filter materials and describes the development of new filter materials based on silicon carbide, ...