Walter, Martin
Published in
In his Treatise on the Figure of the Stars (1732), Maupertuis described bright and elliptic phenomena in the night sky. Based on Maupertuis’s account of these astronomical observations, Kant developed an explanation of his own in his early book on the Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens (1755). For him, these figures were seemingly ...
Buchenau, Stefanie
Wolff opens a new era of philosophical aesthetics in Eighteenth Century Germany. Al-hough he does not himself actively participate in the European debate on the Fine Arts (Sch ne Künste), he prepares his students’ move toward poetry and art. Paradoxically, he does so by innovating in areas which at first sight do not have anything to do with art t...
Julliard, Catherine
International audience
Julliard, Catherine
L'étude s'attache dans un premier temps aux diverses facettes du rejet de la trivialité au sein de la comédie par J.C. Gottsched (dans l'Essai d'un art poétique critique, les préfaces de la Scène allemande et les Contributions critiques) : rejet du bas comique verbal et gestuel, du règne du bouffon, de l'improvisation des acteurs, du manque d'étanc...
Ce travail prend pour objet la correspondance sur la tragédie échangée par Lessing, Mendelssohn et Nicolai entre 1755 et 1757 selon une double approche. Un volume propose une traduction intégrale des lettres, accompagnées de textes qui en permettent une meilleure contextualisation. Un autre volume en établit une première interprétation, afin de la ...
Lorenz, Sarah Ruth
The dissertation examines the intersection and conflict of two aesthetic imperatives, one mimetic and the other didactic, in the literary culture of early eighteenth-century Germany and mid-nineteenth-century Russia. Describing a structure that I call "visionary mimesis" or "progressive realism," I show how texts struggle to bridge the gap between ...
Lorenz, Sarah Ruth
The dissertation examines the intersection and conflict of two aesthetic imperatives, one mimetic and the other didactic, in the literary culture of early eighteenth-century Germany and mid-nineteenth-century Russia. Describing a structure that I call "visionary mimesis" or "progressive realism," I show how texts struggle to bridge the gap between ...
Lorenz, Sarah Ruth
The dissertation examines the intersection and conflict of two aesthetic imperatives, one mimetic and the other didactic, in the literary culture of early eighteenth-century Germany and mid-nineteenth-century Russia. Describing a structure that I call "visionary mimesis" or "progressive realism," I show how texts struggle to bridge the gap between ...
Lorenz, Sarah Ruth
The dissertation examines the intersection and conflict of two aesthetic imperatives, one mimetic and the other didactic, in the literary culture of early eighteenth-century Germany and mid-nineteenth-century Russia. Describing a structure that I call "visionary mimesis" or "progressive realism," I show how texts struggle to bridge the gap between ...