Fernandes, Cássio
In 1951-52, the Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre traveled through “Portuguese lands” between Europe, Africa and Asia. The trip was translated into several writings, addressing a set of problems arising from the observation of the paths opened by the circulation of men and products through vast territories between Africa and the East, which lan...
Franzini, Fabio
In the course of its 90 years of publication, Casa-grande & senzala has gone through several and distinct publishing trajectories, both in Brazil and abroad. Along with the innovations and qualities inherent in Gilberto Freyre's text, the ac-tion of editors and other mediators was decisive for the book to find success in the intellectual circles in...
Schneider, Alberto Luiz
This article discusses the book Nordeste, from Gilberto Freyre, published in 1937 by the publisher José Olympio Editora, as part of the series Coleção Documentos Brasileiros, organized by Freyre himself. The main point of this article is to comprehend the aforementioned work related to the intellectual production of Freyre in the period. Based on t...
González Alcantud, José Antonio
Al-Andalus as it is conceived and as a myth is part of the national narratives of Spain and Portugal, in so many historical societies it is compared with Islam. It is very important in shaping the Spanish national narrative, generating movements of philia and phobia. It has had less importance in Portugal. The current crisis in Spain, mired in terr...
Cunha, Valdeci da Silva
The present article proposes to analyze the readings and appropriations made by Oswald de Andrade of the production and cultural legacy of Gilberto Freyre and to show that, throughout the 1930s and 1940s, the São Paulo writer, at first a critic of Freyre’s research and works, became an admirer of his work. In this endeavor, we find Oswald inserted ...
Veras, Dimas Brasileiro
RESUMO Este artigo analisa o impacto do golpe de Estado de 1964 na educação superior brasileira através da repressão de dirigentes universitários. Em vista disso, investigaram-se os processos políticos que condicionaram o afastamento de reitores naquele ano e, mais precisamente, na renúncia do reitor João Alfredo da Universidade do Recife (UR), atu...
Gahyva, Helga
RESUMO O presente artigo insere-se em pesquisa mais ampla sobre as variadas facetas do pensamento conservador brasileiro. Abordamos, aqui, duas delas: o ultramontanismo e o conservadorismo culturalista, representados por d. Vital e Gilberto Freyre, respectivamente. O objetivo é discutir os sentidos dos elogios de Freyre à ação do bispo de Olinda du...
Melo, Alfredo Cesar
RESUMO Com base na complexa e multidimensional definição de democracia racial estabelecida por Antonio Sérgio Alfredo Guimarães (mito, ideal e pacto), examinamos como Casa-grande & senzala participa da construção do pacto racial-democrático ensaiado no final dos anos 1930 no Brasil. Para isso analisamos como Gilberto Freyre estabelece discurso perf...
da Silva, FC Villaverde Cabral, M
In this article we discuss the politics of the essay of three major twentieth-century Portuguese-speaking intellectuals: Gilberto Freyre, Jorge Dias and António Sérgio. Our topic of discussion is Lusotropicalism. Through an examination of the essayist production of these thinkers (1920s-1960s), we revisit this social theoretical account of racial m...
Oliveira, Amurabi
Resumo Nos últimos anos, a obra de Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987) tem sido profundamente reexaminada, o que tem levado pesquisadores a explorar este legado intelectual a partir de novos ângulos. Como contribuição ao debate, neste artigo analisarei o modo como Freyre incorpora o Brasil Meridional em sua interpretação mais ampla da cultura brasileira, a...