Krack, Malte Brake, Matthew R.W. Schwingshackl, Christoph Gross, Johann Hippold, Patrick Lasen, Matias Dini, Daniele Salles, Loïc Allen, Matthew S. Shetty, Drithi
peer reviewed / The present article summarizes the submissions to the Tribomechadynamics Research Challenge announced in 2021. The task was a blind prediction of the vibration behavior of a system comprising a thin plate clamped on two sides via bolted joints. Both geometric and frictional contact nonlinearities are expected to be relevant. Provide...
Zhang, Runze Cong, Yu Sellam, Mohammed Chpoun, Amer Gu, Shuitao
A full-scale finite element model is presented for monolithic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations of thin-walled piezoelectric fluid energy harvesters (PFEH). Unlike widely used beam/plate-based models, our model employs a solid finite element discretization to precise represent the complex PFEH designs involving microstructured transduce...
Park, Kyusic Allen, Matthew S. de Bono, Max Colombo, Alessio Frangi, Attilio Gobat, Giorgio Haller, George Hill, Tom Jain, Shobhit Kramer, Boris
A variety of reduced order modeling (ROM) methods for geometrically nonlinear structures have been developed over recent decades, each of which takes a distinct approach, and may have different advantages and disadvantages for a given application. This research challenge is motivated by the need for a consistent, reliable, and ongoing process for R...
Yang, Bo Fantuzzi, Nicholas Bacciocchi, Michele Fabbrocino, Francesco Mousavi, Mahmoud
The exploration of graphene has attracted extensive interest owing to its significant structural and mechanical properties. In this research, we numerically investigate wave propagation in defect -free single -layer graphene, considering its geometrically nonlinear behavior through second -strain gradient elasticity. To capture the geometric nonlin...
Touzé, Cyril Vizzaccaro, Alessandra
International audience
Gärtner, T. (author) van den Boom, S. J. (author) Weerheijm, J. (author) Sluys, Lambertus J. (author)
Lightweight materials used for impact mitigation must be able to resist impact and absorb the maximum amount of energy from the impactor. Auxetic materials have the potential to achieve high resistance by drawing material into the impact zone and providing higher indentation and shear resistance. However, these materials must be artificially design...
Flament, Théo
Ce travail concerne le développement d’un modèle d'ordre réduit non-intrusif de structures non-linéaires géométriques, en vue de remplacer le solveur non-linéaire structure dans le cadre d’un couplage partitionné pour la résolution numérique de problèmes d’interaction fluide-structure et en particulier la prédiction des phénomènes d’aéroélasticité ...
Bécu, Hugo
Le transport par câbles regroupe tous les systèmes qui utilisent des câbles mobiles et fixes, suspendus entre des appuis, pour guider et déplacer des véhicules accueillant des personnes ou des matériaux. Ce mode de transport, couramment utilisé dans les régions montagneuses, possède un fort potentiel de développement en ville où il apporte des répo...
MARTIN, Adrien OPRENI, Andrea VIZZACCARO, Alessandra DEBEURRE, Marielle SALLES, Loic FRANGI, Attilio THOMAS, Olivier TOUZÉ, Cyril
The direct parametrisation method for invariant manifolds is a nonlinear reduction technique which derives nonlinear mappings and reduced-order dynamics that describe the evolution of dynamical systems along a low-dimensional invariant-based span of the phase space. It can be directly applied to finite element problems. When the development is perf...
Kumar, Prabhat Langelaar, Matthijs
This paper presents a robust density-based topology optimization approach for synthesizing pressure-actuated compliant mechanisms. To ensure functionality under manufacturing inaccuracies, the robust or three-field formulation is employed, involving dilated, intermediate and eroded realizations of the design. Darcy's law in conjunction with a conce...