Augustinho, Lucas Rogério de
Seminário de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Departamento de Geociências. / O presente trabalho se dispõe a estudar a desconcentração do ensino superior na área de ciências da computação e tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) na Região Sul do Brasil. A pre...
Suzuki, Julio Cesar Cerqueira de Araújo, Gilvan Charles Marques, Karina
The Brazilian’s backwoods are present in the history of the country´s territorial formation. The inner borders have uncounted landscapes, different regionalizations, lifeways, and unique traditions. Through the paths of the backwoods we found the Brazilian identity in its essential diversity, source of fascination and exploration by authors and geo...
Martins da Fonseca, Antonio Angelo
The emergence of localisms in the context of Brazilian federalism stimulates the recent debate on territorial justice in geography. The objective of this article is to contribute to this debate by a comparative analysis of the institutional performance of the 81 municipalities in the State of Bahia, Brazil, emancipated since the 1980s, according to...
Kroth, Darlan Christiano Zonin, Valdecir José Coletti, Tomé Simões, Willian Von Dentz, Eduardo
This study aimed to evaluate the governance by the municipalities of the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE), according to Law n. 11.947/2009 which provides for the purchase of food from family farmers at a minimum value of 30% of the resources of the National Fund for Education Development. The work launched case study hand in three micro-reg...
Leonel Lunas Lima, Divina Aparecida Cardoso Júnior, Hamilton Matos
Since the year of 2013, Brazilian public universities began to participate in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of rural territorial development policy in Brazil. For this, the Ministry of agrarian development created Territorial Development Extension Nuclei - Nedet. This work brings an account of strategies, experiences and N...
Jeronymo, Alexandre Cosme José Guerra, Sinclair Mallet Guy
Troughout century XX public and private programs of rural electrification. These Programs had extended the access in the provision of the service, but did not attend the families residing in the rural districts and interested in the supply. This article recover the legislation for the brazilian rural electrification, highlights the institutional co...
Domingues, Marcelo Vinícius de la Rocha Bandeira, Letícia de Magalhães
This study outlines three functional scenarios for the Port of Pelotas, which is located in the center of the largest coastal lagoon system in the country, on the coastal plain of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It is aimed at guiding decision makers as to the planning of strategic actions for economic revitalization, whereas this Port, at ...
Mueller, Airton Adelar
During the decade 2000-2010 more than half of the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil experienced an absolute reduction of its population, which happened particularly sharp in the northwest of the state. This phenomenon remains sparsely studied, especially regarding the underlying causes and implications for the development of communities ...
Pastor Santos, Itaan de Jesus Mattos Junior, José Sampaio de Oliveira Furtado, Carlos Augusto
This work is the result of reflections carried out in the Rural Extension Laboratory on the importance of public policies for the strengthening of family agriculture and aims to analyze the consolidation of the discussions on Territorial Development Policies in the Lençóis / Munim Territory. In order to achieve the results, the use of information f...
Silva, Leonardo Luiz Silveira da
Abstract The border areas have important strategic value to the countries. This value focuses on its importance in the field of security and cooperation. As a move to the appreciation of the border zone, the countries have created special territorial policies that benefit the development and regional dynamism. The article will present a study that ...