Woll, Jakob Selmanovic, Benjamin
By comparing how four separate Swedish national handball and football teams are depicted within their national media outlets, this study describes notable differences within the coverage based on gender. To examine the women’s and men’s national team in football, as well as handball, based on each team’s respective last championship, the study used...
Balnat, Vincent Kaltz, Barbara
Über einen geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauch wird in Deutschland nun schon seit über 40 Jahren diskutiert. In Folge der Verbreitung gegenderter Formen (Geflüchtete, Wählende) und grafischer Sonderzeichen (Dozent*in, Dozent_in) ist der Ton der Debatte deutlich rauer geworden; die beiden ‚Lager‘ stehen sich inzwischen nahezu unversöhnlich gegenübe...
Högström, Elin Franzén, Wilma
The purpose with this study is to find out how male and female murderers are portrayed in Aftonbladet and SVT Nyheter through a qualitative method. The four swedish murdercases on which the study is based, are “Tove-fallet”, “Nyårsmordet”, “Wilma-fallet” and “Elin-fallet”. The study analyzes how both text and pictures interact in the representation...
Höjman, Agnes
This study investigates sexual practices described in personal ads for mainly sexual encounters in three Swedish pornographic magazines from the years 1988 and 1989. The personal ads include men, women, heterosexual couples, transgendered individuals as well as both male and female sexworkers. A quantitative analysis in combination with qualitative...
Johansson, Emilia
Denna uppsats undersöker hur nutida kvinnliga hiphopartister utmanar och omdefinierar traditionella könsnormer genom sina liveuppträdanden. Genom en kvalitativ analys av tre utvalda framträdanden analyseras hur artisternas scenkläder, kroppsliga uttryck och texter används som verktyg för att dekonstruera stereotypa framställningar av kvinnlighet in...
Larsson Lamprecht, Lovisa Khazail, Zeinab
This study examines the differences in news framing of Swedish political leaders focusing on gender differences in four different Swedish newspapers. The aim is to identify patterns in the differences of framing gender, to contribute to gender scientific journalism studies. The study adopts a theoretical perspective grounded in framing, representat...
Carlsson, Ida Olsson, Maja
Syftet med studien är att studera förskollärares genusmedvetenhet samt vilka strategier som framträder i förskollärares arbete för att motverka socialt konstruerade könsstereotyper. Studien har utgått ifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och är en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Materialet har t...
Värn Wood, Tova
This study has aimed to explore how gender and eurocentrism are presented in textbooks for the upper secondary school system in Sweden. These textbooks cover the 1970s, 1990s, and 2010s with connections made to the corresponding curriculums from 1970, 1994, and 2011. More specifically it is explored how non-European women are presented in these tex...
Dehornoy, Pierre Lunel, Corentin de Mesmay, Arnaud
While the problem of computing the genus of a knot is now fairly well understood, no algorithm is known for its four-dimensional variants, both in the smooth and in the topological locally flat category. In this article, we investigate a class of knots and links called Hopf arborescent links, which are obtained as the boundaries of some iterated pl...
O’Dorney, Evan
Published in
Semigroup Forum
A numerical semigroup is a subset Λ of the nonnegative integers that is closed under addition, contains 0, and omits only finitely many nonnegative integers (called the gaps of Λ). The collection of all numerical semigroups may be visually represented by a tree of element removals, in which the children of a semigroup Λ are formed by removing one e...