Saxena, Abhishek Gundlapalle, Rajesh Gupta, Manish Poornima, Ediga Singh, Harjeet Albawi, Ali Arunkumar, K
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
The hybrid wind-solar system is a combination of renewable energy sources, specifically wind and solar, that is utilized for power generation. While wind power has historically been used for various purposes such as sails, windmills, and wind pumps, it is now predominantly used for electricity generation. This system incorporates solar panels and s...
Qiu, Zexu Chen, Rongchuang Wu, Changbin Liu, Dingbang Gan, Xingang
Published in
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Due to the high cylinder pressure and high-performance requirements, the silicone oil damper of an inline six-cylinder diesel generator needs to be optimized to reduce the crankshaft stress. The centralized mass method was used to simplify the crankshaft system. A multi-body dynamic model was established, and the crankshaft stress and torsional vib...
Lin, Canxin Hao, Linzhao Yan, Qiyan
Published in
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
This article provides an in-depth analysis of the causes of overvoltage at the generator end and the existing overvoltage protection circuits. Due to the long cable connection between the generator and the converter, voltage reflection occurs during the power transmission process, resulting in overvoltage at the output end of the generator and the ...
Sundmark, Hugo Ålund, Ellen Snäckerström, Ebba
The following report is written as a thesis for a bachelor's degree project within the Master of Science in Engineering program in Electrical Engineering at Uppsala University (UU). By presenting the work and the courses completed up to and including the third year of the program, a bachelor's degree in technology will be obtained. The report addre...
Allansson, Niklas Böhlin, Erik
The hydraulic system in a fighter aircraft is not fully utilised during large parts of the flight mission were more electrical power is needed. To better utilise the hydraulic power the current Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump (AHP) and the Emergency Hydraulic Pump (EHP) can be exchanged to an Electro Hydraulic Energy Converter (EHEC). The EHEC has the pos...
Rondon, David
Hydropower generators are essential for providing electricity for daily human activities. For that reason, designing and building reliable generators contributes to a sustainable energy supply market. Many studies have sought to model the dynamics of hydropower generators, as providing a reliable model would lead to more cost-effective designs; the...
Lin, Xueshan Huang, Tao Liu, Xin Bompard, Ettore F. Wang, Beibei
The zonal market (ZM) adopted in Europe, in contrast to the nodal market (NM), reconciles the inconsistency between physical networks and administrative management. However, the growing integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) has introduced zonal supply-demand imbalances that exacerbate congestion and the need to re-dispatch. Furthermore, di...
Marcelin, Sara
La sélection d'un système radiographique portabl est cruciale pour obtenir des diagnostics précis par imagerie, que ce soit en pratique ambulatoire ou en clinique. Aujourd'hui, une vaste gamme de systèmes est disponible, chacun présentant ses propres caractéristiques. Il est donc essentiel d'évaluer plusieurs critères pour choisir celui qui corresp...
Colot, Antonin Shenoy, Vishal Cavraro, Guido Dall'anese, Emiliano Poveda, Jorge I.
peer reviewed / We investigate the stability and robustness properties of a power transmission system under persistent deceiving attacks on inverter-interfaced energy resources. The attacks can corrupt the damping coefficients in the inverters' controllers and measurements of the frequency at the points of coupling. Leveraging tools from hybrid dyn...
Henao, Juan David Zorrilla Segura, Alejandro Tenorio, Alejandro Diaz, Harold José Paz, Alejandro
Published in
Data in Brief
This article presents the data collection process for the classification of partial discharges in electrical generators using PNG format images. The data were collected through field measurements on over 40 generators in various locations in Colombia, in addition to utilizing a partial discharge simulator provided by Omicron Energy. Throughout the ...