widera, zbigniew widera, wiktor polok, grzegorz
The growing importance of the influence of the media on the Catholic faithful calls for an answer to the question of to what extent the church’s activity in initiating messages of faith is subordinated to the logic and pragmatics of the media, which change the forms of the presence of religion in the lives of Catholics and the contexts in which it ...
Chua, Kai Lin Megan Chan, Jin Qi Valerie Tan, Laurence Lean Chin Low, James Alvin
Published in
The American journal of hospice & palliative care
Current palliative care training in medical school is inadequate in preparing doctors to provide quality palliative care. Little attention is paid to determining effective methods of training. To assess the use of bite-sized animations in improving the confidence, knowledge and attitudes of medical students towards palliative care. A mixed methods ...
băltescu, codruța adina untaru, elena-nicoleta
The social media phenomenon revolutionized the way people communicate and share information in all age groups. In the context of global expansion and its undeniable popularity, social media platforms have favored the emergence of a new concept, the social media influencer (SMI). SMIs are online celebrities, followed and copied by a large number of ...
Taneerat, Wisuttinee Dongnadeng, Hasan Akrim
With online media having become influential socially, economically, and politically, there is a tendency for people -- especially Generation Z -- to engage in political behavior digitally, particularly on social networking sites. The current research is a mixed-method study on 1, 000 respondents from a Generation Z sample group in Southern Thailand...
Stepaniuk, Krzysztof Lăzăroiu, George Misiewicz, Chrystyna Pereira, Verónica Crespo
Published in
Engineering Management in Production and Services
The article aimed to examine the relationship between Generation Z’s interactions on social networking sites in the context of herd behaviour and behavioural mimicry through central and peripheral content processing pathways. The study was conducted using the CAWI method on a group of 142 representatives of Generation Z from selected universities i...
Marinov, Vladislav Todoranova, Anita
Статията представя нагласите на две групи студенти относно правописа (затворени форми, форми с дефис или отворени форми) на нови думи, чиито компоненти (един или два) са думи от английския език. Проучването проследява не само базовите познания на учениците и умението им да използват основни правила на българския правопис, но и техните предпочитания...
Tagare, Ruben L. Jr. Saroca, Daniel B. Jr. Aguinaldo, Jerrwin C.
Published in
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research
This study explored the local characteristics of Generation Z students in rural communities as insights to enhance the implementation of the Philippine PATH-Fit program and improve students’ educational experiences. Employing a qualitative-ethno-graphic approach, insights were collected from 20 carefully selected participants through open-ended que...
Arkhipova, Daria; Janssen, Marijn; 128052;
status: published
al-qudah, anas ali al-okaily, manaf shiyyab, fadi shehab d. taha, alaa a. almajali, dmaithan a. masa’deh, ra’ed warrad, lina h.
The main goal of the current paper is to investigate the factors that influence Millennials’ adoption of digital payments among Generation Z by analyzing the potential effects of perceived convenience, perceived cost, perceived security, perceived convenience, innovativeness, and social influence on the adoption of digital payments. A total of 258 ...
Khudainazarova, Nelli S Granovskiy, Dmitriy L Kondakova, Olga A Ryabchevskaya, Ekaterina M Kovalenko, Angelina O Evtushenko, Ekaterina A Arkhipenko, Marina V Nikitin, Nikolai A Karpova, Olga V
Published in
International journal of molecular sciences
This review addresses the ongoing global challenge posed by emerging and evolving viral diseases, underscoring the need for innovative vaccine development strategies. It focuses on the modern approaches to creating vaccines based on recombinant proteins produced in different expression systems, including bacteria, yeast, plants, insects, and mammal...