Bond, Niall
In our review of a recent book on Ferdinand Tönnies, we attempt to make a more succinct description of Tönnies' place in the history of the mind and sciences and his relevance today.
Bent, Jessica Catherine
Published in
International Journal of Practical Theology
Among the different images of community, some groups understand themselves in terms of family. This article explores the concept of found family within an ecclesial community. Braithwaite et al.’s four-part typology of voluntary kin provided the grounding for my new interview tool: The Experiences of the Church as Family research tool. This tool ca...
Bond, Niall
This volume presents essays analysing the ambivalent history of the globally influential political and social concept of community and the paradigms it has engendered in academia and politics. While the term ‘community’ often evokes positive sentiments, it is also linked to oppressive regimes and exclusion.A survey of the term’s use is followed by ...
Immisch, Quintus
International audience
Mühlethaler, Louis
Envisagé à travers Svetlana Alexievitch et Antoine Volodine, le contre-modèle étudié comme feel bad de la littérature sera l’invulnérabilisation des personnages-témoins. Cette invulnérabilisation comme affect alimentant le désarroi des personnages/témoins qui les distancie des co-vulnérabilités sera d’abord envisagée au niveau « diégétique » ou tou...
Mercier-Suissa, Catherine Hodgson, Alan Dominguez, Noémie
Housing represents a central factor in existing integration policies and initiatives across EU migration policies, regional economic and social systems, and individual practices. The EU-funded MERGING project will conduct an interdisciplinary study of migrant integration relying on participatory housing initiatives to test an innovative method with...
Opielka, Michael
Published in
Soziologische Revue
Gunderman, Richard B
Published in
Academic radiology
Mühlethaler, Louis
Nous analyserons le rejet des figures féminines Cassandre et Médée, héroïnes éponymes des œuvres Kassandra et Medea : Stimmen. L’imposition de la loi patriarcale à laquelle elles s’opposent fait de Cassandre et de Médée des personnages exclues de la polis. Si la guérisseuse-magicienne Médée et la prophétesse Cassandre sont rejetées de la communauté...
Mader, Rachel
Published in
Journal of Literary Theory
At the latest with the designation of Indonesian group of artists, ruangrupa, as collective co-directors of documenta fifteen in 2022, the collective has arrived at the centre of the art world. This notion includes not only the organizational form of a group, but also designates a specific mode of cooperating with outsiders, of reflecting and of cu...