Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC X LC) allows for substantial gains in theoretical peak capacity in the field of liquid chromatography. However, in practice, theoretical performance is rarely achieved due to a combination of undersampling, orthogonality, and refocusing issues prevalent in many LC X LC applications. This is in...
Lynen, FredericHegade, Ravindra SuryakantDe Beer, MaartenChen, KaiDelahaye, SanderSandra, Patrick
Chromatographic method development for pharmaceutical analysis can benefit from in silico steered serial coupling of column segments containing different stationary phases of varying length. Contrary to column coupling through trial and error, in stationary-phase optimized selectivity (SOS)-based chromatography the retention of all solutes is predi...
Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC x LC) has significantly improved the separation power of LC for complex samples. Our review opens with theoretical considerations about online LC x LC in order to explain why ultra-high-pressure LC (UHPLC) and more specifically, hightemperature (HT)-UHPLC are very convenient in the second dime...
In this second paper of a two-part series, on-line RPLC x HILIC is compared to on-line RPLC x RPLC through the separation of peptides. Our choices regarding the conditions are discussed. Injection effects and overloading effects are evaluated in both configurations. It is shown that whereas large volumes can be injected in the second dimension in R...
The present contribution investigates the quantitation aspects of mass-sensitive detectors with nebulizing interface (ESI-MSD, ELSD, CAD) in the constant pressure gradient elution mode. In this operation mode, the pressure is controlled and maintained at a set value and the liquid flow rate will vary according to the inverse mobile phase viscosity....
The performance characteristics of separation were studied for small pharmaceuticals and larger charged molecules (peptides) in various mobile phase conditions on two 5-cm long narrow bore columns packed with 1.7 mu m core-shell and totally porous particles respectively. The effect of temperature and pH additives (formic acid, trifluoroacetic acid,...