LE VERN, Mickael sediki, ouardia RAZAKAMANANTSOA, Andry Murzyn, Frédéric LARRARTE, Frédérique
Civil engineering works are sources of dust emissions, which can cause severe security, health and environmental damages to workers and neighbourhoods. This is articularly significant for implementation of earthwork sites. The present paper reports a study conducted to characterise the soil-atmosphere interaction above compacted soils where particl...
Saade, Myriam Erradhouani, B. Pawlak, S. Appendino, Federica Peuportier, Bruno Roux, Charlotte
Purpose: The built environment is a key sector for the transition towards a so-called circular economy, contributing to solve the global environmental challenges humanity is facing. As buildings interact with other sectors like transport and energy, a systemic approach is needed to assess the environmental relevance of circular economy practices. T...
PIEGAY, Clément GLE, Philippe GOURLAY, Etienne GOURDON, Emmanuel MARCEAU, Sandrine
Vegetal wools have the capacity to store atmospheric carbon dioxyde, one of the main gases responsible for climate change. So, these insulating materials are used as key elements for green buildings. Moreover, vegetal wools present high sound absorption level performances contributing to the acoustic comfort of indoor living spaces. These propertie...
Piegay, Clément Gle, Philippe Gourlay, Etienne Gourdon, Emmanuel Marceau, Sandrine
Vegetal wools have the capacity to store atmospheric carbon dioxyde, one of the main gases responsible for climate change. So, these insulating materials are used as key elements for green buildings. Moreover, vegetal wools present high sound absorption level performances contributing to the acoustic comfort of indoor living spaces. These propertie...
Baroghel Bouny, Véronique DIERKENS, Michaël
Les présentes recommandations définissent des dispositions destinées à prévenir les dégradations du béton par des cycles de gel-dégel avec ou sans sels de déverglaçage. Le domaine d'application est celui des bâtiments non courants ou des ouvrages de génie civil soumis à du gel modéré avec emploi de sels de déverglaçage ou à du gel sévère. Elles s'a...
KOVARIK, Jean-Bernard Villarreal, Aline ARRIAGA RAMOS, Estefania ALFERAIHEEDI, Yousef MODISELLE, Kedibone Grace
Urban 20 Mayors Summit - U20, RIYAD, ARABIE SAOUDITE, 30-/09/2020 - 02/10/2020
Godart, Bruno Schmidt, Franziska Brioist, Brioist Jean-Jacques Deveaud, Jean Paul Dias, Fernando
As part of the extension of line E of the Regional Express Rail Network of Paris, it was decided to create an underground station under the CNIT (National Center for Industries and Techniques) located in the business district of La Défense. This project clearly raises the question of the stability of the main vault of the CNIT under the effect of a...
Transport infrastructures play a significant role in the economy of countries. However, in European countries, transport infrastructures aging (>40 years) and traffic increase require to develop in-situ efficient inspection and maintenance solutions. Monitoring of steel and composite structures are important issues for sustainability of existing an...
Marchand, Pierre
Une structure massive en béton posée sur un soubassement en béton via des appareils d'appui néoprène a été renforcée en insérant des aciers passifs traversant les deux structures de béton. Le gestionnaire de l'ouvrage voudrait connaître la résistance réelle de ce renforcement en cas de séisme.
LE VERN, Mickael SEDIKI, Ouardia RAZAKAMANANTSOA, Andry MURZYN, Frédéric LARRARTE, Frédérique
Civil engineering works are sources of dust emissions, which can cause severe security, health and environmental damages to workers and neighbourhoods. This is articularly significant for implementation of earthwork sites. The present paper reports a study conducted to characterise the soil-atmosphere interaction above compacted soils where particl...