La notion de musique de chambre dans les dictionnaires de musique français et allemands des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
International audience
International audience
International audience
International audience
Si c' est principalement dans ses écrits intimes (lettres et Journal) que Gide exprime son amour pour Chopin, c' est au contraire dans les fictions de Thomas Mann (Tristan – 1903 –, et surtout Doktor Faustus. Das Leben des deutschen Tonsetzers Adrian Leverkühn, erzählt von einem Freunde – 1947) qu'il faut chercher les traces du dialogue que l' écri...
Published in Časopis za muzičku kulturu Muzika
In the Romantic era, we find various types, as well as the most prominent examples, of piano études, which were used in both the private and public spheres in the 19th century. Although composers worked on perfecting this genre as early as the 18th century, it reached its peak during musical romanticism , when a large number of composers from vario...
: George Sand and Frédéric Chopin’s trip to the Balearic Islands at the end of the 1830s had all the makings of a missed opportunity. It marked the beginning of a thwarted relationship between France and the archipelago that owed much to the account that George Sand made of it a few years later. As the starting point of a literary and media constru...
International audience
Published in Polski Rocznik Muzykologiczny
In 19th-century Poland — under Russian, Prussian and Austrian rule at the time – the main goal of music was to promote revival and to stimulate patriotic feelings. Patriotic Polishness drawing on the country’s glorious past was to be the essence of music; modernity of the composer’s language was of secondary importance. Karol Szymanowski unceremoni...
La femme au prénom masculin et le compositeur poitrinaire ont vécu neuf ans d’un amour plus raisonnable que passionné. La Pologne est loin, George mène son petit monde à la baguette, aux Baléares, à Paris et à Nohant. On y trouve ses enfants, Solange et Maurice. Il s’y rêve Tytus, l’ami d’enfance de Frédéric, qu’il « choisirait », s’il le pouvait. ...
ABSTRACT Aloysio de Castro (1881-1959) is now remembered as one of Brazil's greatest physicians and is considered the father of Brazilian neurological semiology. However, his interests went far beyond the realm of Medicine, and he became one of the most illustrious intellectuals of his time. In 1927, he gave a speech at the São Paulo Society of Art...