Rincón Restrepo, Lady Julieth
[ES] Tiene como objetivo principal, hacer un diseño de una guía práctica para abordar las principales cuestiones jurídicas relativas a extranjería y nacionalidad. La metodología utilizada será establecer una hoja de ruta para facilitar los trámites prácticos para las distintas problemáticas en materia de extranjería por parte de las personas que vi...
Vasquez Gonzalez, Williams Rafael
[ES] En el contexto del mundo globalizado, cambiante y en conflicto internacional creciente, resulta muy oportuno e interesante poder estudiar en profundidad las medidas de protección nacionales e internacionales que los sistemas jurídicos reconocen a los inmigrantes y colectivos más frágiles o perseguidos en sus países de origen o residencia. El p...
Bartolomé Cenzano, José Carlos De
[EN] This is an original proposal on a guarantee procedure that must preside over the reception of any emigrant youth or minor. In view of the procedures established in the most advanced countries, the design of a procedure with sufficient guarantees that allows individual identification if they need international protection or any other protection...
Thartori, Voltisa Ismail, Nik Ahamd Hisham
Published in
Journal of migration and health
Immigrants who relocate to a foreign country often face numerous stressors and challenges as they try to assimilate to a new culture. This transition can often have a significant impact on their mental well-being. In this qualitative study, we aim to explore and examine the life experiences of 16 Albanian and Kosovo-Albania immigrants who have sett...
Mertová, Lucie
Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou zaměstnávání cizinců v České republice. Cílem této práce je analyzovat právní úpravu týkající se zaměstnávání cizinců v České republice a následně zhodnotit, jak probíhá nábor zahraničních zaměstnanců, jak se vyvíjí počet cizinců v republice a ve vybrané společnosti v závislosti na předpisech, a aktuální sit...
Ishimaru, Tomohiro Teshima, Ayaka Kuraoka, Hiroyuki Hara, Kunio
Published in
Industrial health
This study investigated the status of and risk factors for occupational accidents occurring during part-time work among international students in Japan. In total, 390 international students who had registered with an online survey company were invited to participate in a cross-sectional study using an online self-administered questionnaire in Octob...
Sprandio, Shane
Throughout the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the communes of Florence and Bologna opened participation in government to large portions of their adult male populations. As these efforts to broaden political power unfolded, popular régimes sought to protect their monopolies on political power by targeting specific groups for exclusion from a v...
Joannès, Francis
Le Proche-Orient ancien, et tout particulièrement la Mésopotamie – c'est-à-dire les territoires de la Syrie orientale et de l'Irak actuels – ont élaboré semble-t-il très tôt les règles d'une hospitalité qui fonctionna d'abord en interne, entre ses habitants, mais qui avait aussi pour but de réguler les comportements à observer envers les étrangers ...
Fleisner, Paula
This article aims to contribute to the elaboration of a posthuman materialist cosmo-aesthetics. Such a cosmoaesthetics would allow, on the one hand, to think about the agency inherent to the matter involved in works of art outside artist/form – material/formed logic; and on the other, would permit to experiment with non-anthropocentric options for ...
Beauchemin, Cris Caron, Louise Haddad, Marine Temporal, Franck
Among the events contributing to population dynamics, international migration is the most difficult to capture. Most countries do not have the tools to produce regular statistics. Definitions and measurement methods may vary from country to country. Since the early 2000s, international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union...