Agostini, Ilaria
Negli interstizi di una città votata al turismo, numerose realtà collettive praticano «resistenza creativa» alle ricadute negative dell’industria più pesante del mondo. Nel marzo 2020, la pandemia rimette in discussione il paradigma di un’economia fondata sul turismo. Il blocco dei flussi globali, ibernando le attività turistiche, riduce all’indige...
Mano, Davide
International audience
paoletti, barbara tanganelli, marco viti, stefania
In recent years, the assessment of damage scenarios in urban communities has become one of the central themes in local government policies, aimed at promoting effective seismic risk mitigation and improving the efficiency of rescue systems to manage emergencies. In Italy, the seismic hazard has become a topical issue since the 1982 Irpinia earthqua...
Nevejans, Pierre
Quelle est la place diplomatique de Catherine de Médicis avant de devenir reine, puis reine mère? Alors qu’elle n’est que princesse héritière et que la branche des Médicis dont elle est issue n’est plus au pouvoir à Florence, comment pense-t-elle sa place au sein de la société des princes? Cet article étudie la diplomatie florentine de la dauphine,...
Regibeau, Julien
editorial reviewed
Soldini, Hélène
Cette contribution s’intéresse à la représentation de Charles Quint dans l’historiographie florentine, en particulier dans les histoires rédigées en 1540-1560, au moment de la consolidation du pouvoir de Côme Ier qui se libère progressivement de la tutelle impériale. Son objectif est de sonder la façon dont ces historiens s’approprient de la figure...
Lippi, Donatella Donell, Simon T Baldanzi, Francesco
Published in
Journal of medical biography
The recent discovery of unpublished documents in the archives of the Camerata hospital, (Florence, I) sheds light on an important chapter in the history of nursing education and the role played by Grace Baxter (1869-1954), of English parentage but born and lived in Florence. The introduction of professional nurses was part of the international move...
Nevejans, Pierre
International audience
Baggioni, Laurent Cotensin, Ismène Trousselard, Sylvain
Franco Sacchetti, Le Trecento novelle, edizione critica a cura di Michelangelo Maccarello, Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014
Paoli, Michel
Since the Weber-Sombart debate on the birth of capitalism, Alberti's Family Books have been presented as an essential source on the origins of this movement and Alberti himself as a "pioneer of capitalism". The present text aims to show that Alberti is above all an intellectual, who certainly seeks to understand the workings of the business world, ...