Winter-Tietel, Roman
Published in
Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
In der gegenwärtigen Diskussion um Leiblichkeit wird der Glaubensbegriff nur selten thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag reflektiert ausgehend von der Neuen Phänomenologie die leibliche Bedingung des christlichen Glaubens als Selbstaffektion Gottes. Mit Rekurs auf Michel Henry und Meister Eckhart wird die Gottesgeburt in den Seelengrund als eine Bewegung d...
Kianoush, Aryo
Comment peut-on aborder la question du temps qu'il fait au moment où un événement historique se produit ? Quelle est la part des virtualités d'un paysage dans les événements qui se déroulent en son sein ? Peut-on attribuer à la météo et au paysage un rôle plus significatif que celui qui leur est généralement conféré, c'est-à-dire simplement encadre...
Hernández, Consuelo
Esta tesis propone estudiar desde una perspectiva antropológica, el sacrificio doméstico del cerdo en el entorno rural asturiano. La matanza del cerdo puede ser leída como un archivo de la evolución de las relaciones entre humanos y animales en un contexto campesino en transformación. La primera parte de la tesis describe, desde una perspectiva etn...
Tranchant, Emmanuel
En ce début de 3e millénaire, le déséquilibre anthropologique de notre humanité – la survenue même du terme dans le langage courant signe son affaiblissement dans notre commun – procède du trouble dans nos représentations de la vie et de la mort.
Ma, Yue Yao, Jiaxu Zhou, Li Zhao, Minjie Wang, Wei Liu, Jikai Marchioni, Eric
Published in
Food chemistry
Sea buckthorn is an important ecological and economic plant which has multiple bioactivities. The fruits and seeds of sea buckthorn are rich in oil. However, there are few studies on the differences of lipid profiles of sea buckthorn varieties. Herein, the lipidomic fingerprints of sea buckthorn was established. First, a mixture solvent of methanol...
Han, Xueping Wang, Jinzheng Wang, Guiping Dong, Fang Nie, Peixian Xue, Xiaomin
Published in
Frontiers in Plant Science
Introduction Apricot fruits are edible and serve as a source of medicinal compounds. Flavonols are important plant secondary metabolites that have antioxidant and antitumor effects and may promote cardiovascular health. Methods The flavonoid content in three stages of the ‘Kuijin’ and the ‘Katy’ was observed, followed by the combination of metabolo...
López Sáenz, María del Carmen
This article aims to elucidate the meaning of feeling and sensing by delving into genetic phenomenology and dialoguing with phenomenological ontology, particularly with Métaphysique du sentiment by R. Barbaras. Our approach begins by displaying the senses of the body and what we call body “re-flection”, always linked to aisthesis (lato and stricto ...
de Boer, Bas Verbeek, Peter-Paul
Published in
Human Studies
During the Corona pandemic, it became clear that people are vulnerable to potentially harmful nonhuman agents, as well as that our own biological existence potentially poses a threat to others, and vice versa. This suggests a certain reciprocity in our relations with both humans and nonhumans. In his The Visible and the Invisible , Merleau-Ponty in...
Ramos González, José Antonio
One of the tasks of philosophy consists, according to Merleau-Ponty, in relearning how to see the world. This article intends to show the labyrinth of difficulties into which one enters when one asks oneself what it is to see, what one sees and who or what the sighted is. This and the visible sprout from the same carnal visibility that interweaves ...
Ofilada Mina, Macario
This essay is an attempt to differentiate and correlate Aesthetics, Art, Artworks and Creativity. With metaphysical reflections against the backdrop of history, we underscore in view of the aforementioned key concepts the transition from waiting and hoping and use the same transition to differentiate existence from life, all within a metaphysical a...