Belgrano, Mateo
The hemlock has gained its fame as the executioner of the legendary Socrates, whose death was a symbol of the importance and, at the same time, the danger of philosophy in a polis. Today, in a world governed by a utilitarian and productivist logic, the hemlock has become more subtle and less theatrical, though no less deadly. In contemporary states...
Puppo, María Lucía
This paper examines the interventions of philosophy in the programs of Communication Theory and Theory and Analysis of Literary Discourse, two subjects belonging to the Literature degree (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UCA). Specifically, three thematic cores are reviewed (the discursive construction of otherness, hermeneutics and deconstructio...
Buceta, Martín M.
The article aims to highlight the utility of fictions, particularly literary ones, for human life. The approach we propose is amphibious since it seeks to address this utility from both a philosophical perspective and, on the other hand, from the neuroscience of narrative. The presentation is divided into two main sections. The first explores the c...
Bauer, Carlos
A obra apresentada faz parte de uma obra extensa, dentro da qual adquire um significado diferente daquele que aqui tem. Para esta ocasião, tem um sentido de abertura, e apresentação da dimensão estética espiritual, daquilo que chamo de história da libertação (ver em bibliografia Bauer, Carlos: 2015, 2016, 2021, 2022, 2024). Portanto, este escrito p...
Avila, Mariela Cecilia
This paper seeks to demonstrate how the recognition and study of women's exile narratives could bring new analytical and reflexive registers to the field of philosophical work on political punishment. In order to do this, first of all, a review of its classical, Greek and Roman origins is made, pointing out that, although the exile has varied over ...
Dorta, Germán Antonio
Ludwig Binswanger y el análisis existencial. Un enfoque filosófico de la enfermedad mentalescrito a principio de 1950 por el joven Foucault, es una obra que nos permite ubicar la interrogante filosófica sobre el hombre en relación a la enfermedad mental. Inquietud filosófica que presenta puntos de contactos con Enfermedad mental y psicología public...
Grande Sánchez, Pedro José
This article explores the life and philosophy of Dietrich von Hildebrand, highlighting his resistance against Nazism and his tireless defense of person, truth, and justice. Through a thorough analysis of ten significant events in his life, it is revealed how this defense formed the core of his mission and thought. It is argued that Hildebrand's sta...
Vidal, Carlos Andrés
This article addresses the relevance of cultivating critical and metacognitive thinking skills in the context of contemporary education. We reflect on the implementation of thinking routines, as an innovative strategy to develop reflective thinking. Furthermore, the influence of the hidden curriculum on the formation of attitudes and values in stud...
Salazar Ríos, William
La educación, en su esencia, es un proceso dinámico y en constante evolución que debe adaptarse a los cambios y desafíos socioculturales contemporáneos.En un mundo que no cesa de transformarse, los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje no pueden quedarse estáticos; deben integrar nuevas metodologías y enfoques que respondan a las necesidades actuales...
Castrillón Castrillón, Andrés Alfredo Saldarriaga Flórez, Jhon Edward
El presente artículo resalta los aspectos constitutivos del Dasein expuestos por Heidegger en Ser y tiempo, con el propósito de referirlos a un personaje literario como ejemplo de una posible aplicación de la analítica existenciaria al ámbito literario. Con ello se pretende relacionar la concepción de existencia y muerte del pensamiento filosófico ...