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with Film critic as keyword
Gheller, Enrico
Le cinéma italien d’après-guerre a sa place légitime dans l’Histoire sous l’étiquette du « néoréalisme ». C’est une panthéonisation encore difficile à remettre en cause aujourd’hui, qui schématise souvent l’image de ce cinéma de manière arbitraire. Une des particularités de ce courant serait sa facilité d’adaptation au-delà des Alpes : en effet, ce...
Boscher, Nicolas
Marcel Achard rencontre d'abord le succès comme dramaturge, à partir des années 1920, avant d'entamer une longue carrière dans l'industrie cinématographique, puis de tomber dans un relatif oubli. Cette thèse retrace son parcours de réalisateur, ambitionnant de participer à la création d'un musical français (La Valse de Paris (1950)), ainsi que la g...
Rocha, Luís Geraldo
This dissertation analyzes the work of the film critic Ely Azeredo, based on a corpus of twenty -seven articles on Brazilian cinema published between 1956 and 1973, in the Rio’s Tribuna da Imprensa and Jornal do Brasil periodicals. This temporal cut was delimited taking into account the profound transformations and innovative filmic manifestations ...
Rocha, Luís Geraldo
This dissertation analyzes the work of the film critic Ely Azeredo, based on a corpus of twenty -seven articles on Brazilian cinema published between 1956 and 1973, in the Rio’s Tribuna da Imprensa and Jornal do Brasil periodicals. This temporal cut was delimited taking into account the profound transformations and innovative filmic manifestations ...
Rocha, Luís Geraldo
This dissertation analyzes the work of the film critic Ely Azeredo, based on a corpus of twenty -seven articles on Brazilian cinema published between 1956 and 1973, in the Rio’s Tribuna da Imprensa and Jornal do Brasil periodicals. This temporal cut was delimited taking into account the profound transformations and innovative filmic manifestations ...
Rebechi Júnior, Arlindo
In late 1950, the young Glauber Rocha, still without having directed any of his films, becomes the main cultural critic of the Jornal da Bahia in Salvador, Bahia. His film critic activity falls within the symbolic local disputes and his texts published become an active voice in the cultural field of Bahia. With a considerable apparatus of the press...