Winter-Tietel, Roman
Published in
Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
In der gegenwärtigen Diskussion um Leiblichkeit wird der Glaubensbegriff nur selten thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag reflektiert ausgehend von der Neuen Phänomenologie die leibliche Bedingung des christlichen Glaubens als Selbstaffektion Gottes. Mit Rekurs auf Michel Henry und Meister Eckhart wird die Gottesgeburt in den Seelengrund als eine Bewegung d...
Heuschkel, Gina Fischer von Weikersthal, Ludwig Junghans, Constanze Zomorodbakhsch, Bijan Stoll, Christoph Prott, Franz-Josef Fuxius, Stefan Micke, Oliver Richter, Achim Sallmann, Doreen
Published in
Oncology Research and Treatment
Introduction: Cancer diagnoses are constantly increasing in clinical practice. Therefore, more and more patients are interested in how they can actively participate in the process of treatment. Spirituality represents a hidden issue of the population, which counts as a branch of complementary and alternative treatment. Therefore, the aim of our stu...
Tykarski, Sławomir Mróz, Franciszek
Published in
Journal of religion and health
This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among people walking the pilgrimage route to the shrine of St James in Santiago de Compostela. The aim of the research was to investigate how a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago among a married couple or family affects marital or familial relationships, whether walking the trail to Compostela...
Rettenbacher, Sigrid
Published in
Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu
While the number of churchgoers has constantly been going down in the last years, an interesting observation can be made: The number of people attending choral evensong has significantly increased in the last decades. Not only believers, but non-believers as well are overwhelmed by this form of liturgy based on the singing of the choir. This articl...
Mitra, Barbara Archer, Diana Hurst, Joanne Lycett, Deborah
Published in
Journal of religion and health
This study explores the religious and spiritual aspects of eating disorder recovery and the role of social media in the context of a third sector community-based recovery group in the UK. Four online focus groups explored participant perspectives (17 participants in total) using thematic analysis. The qualitative findings highlight that relational ...
de Diego-Cordero, Rocío Martos-Lorite, Irene Vega-Escaño, Juan
Published in
Journal of religion and health
Previous studies have shown the benefits of spirituality/religiosity with regard to health and quality of life for people. The high prevalence of neurological disorders, which are the main diseases that cause disability and dependency around the world, makes neurological disorders especially relevant. This systematic mapping review aimed to map the...
Michaudet, Nathalie
Étudier la métamorphose dans l’œuvre d’Aubigné peut, a priori, suggérer un travail sur la multitude de transformations qu’il fait subir aux acteurs de ses Tragiques, ou à l’arsenal mythologique qu’il convoque, en humaniste. Cependant, ce sujet offre l’occasion de dévider un fil rouge qui permet d’aborder une singulière éthique de la métamorphose, é...
Ali, Omar M E Gkekas, Eleftherios Ali, Ahmad M S Tang, Tsz Yau Tiffany Ahmed, Sameer Chowdhury, Imadul Waqar, Salman Hamed, Amer Al-Ghazal, Sharif Ahmed, Saeed
Published in
Journal of religion and health
There is a significant shortage of transplantable organs in the UK particularly from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups, of which Muslims make a large proportion. The British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) held a nationwide series of community gatherings with the aim of describing the beliefs and attitudes to organ donation amongst ...
Beuchot, Mauricio
El thought de Santo Tomás has found relevance tanto in philosophy como in theology. It has done so because both disciplines have become hermeneutical, without neglecting ontology. The reason is that in both, a great deal of interpretation is used, as they deal with texts, both from philosophers and from the Holy Scriptures. This will address what c...
Varela, Reynold P
Published in
Explore (New York, N.Y.)
This study investigated 216 individual transcripts of faith healing experiences drawn from the healing ministries of 2 Catholic priests in the Philippines. The accounts of these healing narratives were generously provided to the researcher in hard copies for analysis by the 2 Catholic priests. The narratives were individual stories of healing exper...